Palaeontologia Electronica Visitor Survey
  1. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the user survey. The purpose of this brief survey is to get opinions and ideas as to how Palaeontologia Electronica may be improved.

    All information categories are optional. Please indicate (see bottom of form) if Palaeontologia Electronica should keep information confidential, or if it can be released to PE Sponsors.

    We appreciate hearing from you.

  2. Where did you hear about Palaeontologia Electronica?

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  4. Do you find our RSS feed notification of new articles useful? (If you sign up for it, you will be notified by email whenever new articles are published.)

  5. Was accessibility (download) speed:

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  6. How do you rate Paleontologica Electronica as a paleontological journal? (Outstanding, Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, or Worse?)
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  7. What design or functional features would you like to see incorporated into Palaeontologia Electronica? How would these make your reading, downloading, or printing experience better?
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  8. Did you have any trouble navigating through the site? Were you able to find what you were interested in?
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  9. What do you like best about our journal?
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  10. What don't you like about the journal? What needs improvement? Be honest - your comments are anonymous, and we are thick-skinned.
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  14. Thank you for your comments!

    Copyright: Coquina Press, January 2012