FIGURE 1. Dental terminology used in this paper (after Zazhigin and Lopatin, 2000, modified by author). Right M1-M2: 1. anterostyle; 2. anterocone; 3. anteroloph; 4. protocone; 5. protostyle; 6. anterior endoloph; 7. mesoloph; 8. hipocone; 9. posterostyle; 10. posterior endosinus; 11. posteroloph; 12. metacone; 13. mesoloph; 14. mesostyle; 15. paracone; Left m1-m2: 1. anteroconid; 2. metaconid; 3. mesostilid; 4. mesoconid; 5. entoconid; 6. posterolophid; 7. hypoconid; 8. posterostylid; 9. ectomesolophid; 10. ectostylid; 11. ectolophid; 12. protoconid; 13. labial arm of the anterolophid; 14. lingual arm of anterolophid; 15. posterior ectosinusid; 16. posterior ectolophid; 17. anterostylid.

PE Note: see Erratum for corrected figure caption

 figure 1

FIGURE 2. Geological map of the Late Miocene terrestrial sediments of the Balta Formation exposed in Cimishlia District, showing the location of the paleontological localities Chimishlia, Gradishte, Gura Galbene.

figure 2 

FIGURE 3. Lophocricetus cimishliensis sp. nov. (1-23) from the Turolian of Republic of Moldova: 1 - holotype, jaw fragment with P4-M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-1); 2 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-1); 3 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-1); 4 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-2); 5 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-3); 6 - M1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-4); 7 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-3); 8 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-4); 9 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-8); 10 - M2 (MNEIN Loph Gr-9); 11 - M2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-4); 12 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/GG-5); 13 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-10); 14 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-5); 15 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-11); 16 - m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr-12); 17 - m1(MNEIN Loph/GG-6); 18 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-11); 19 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-8); 20 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-12); 21 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-9); 22 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-610; 23 - m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim-11). Scale= 1mm. Etymology: named after Chimishliya (= Cimișlia) District where fossils were found. Holotype: maxillary fragment with P4-M2 (MNEIN Loph/GG-1). Paratypes: Chimishliya: 3 M1, 2 M2, 2 m1, 6 m2 (MNEIN Loph/Cim1-13); Gura Galbene: 2 M1, 2 M2, 6 m1, 3 m2 (MNEIN Loph/GG 1-13); Gradishte: 7 M1, 2 M2, 7 m1 (MNEIN Loph/Gr 1-16).

figure 3 

FIGURE 4. Length/Width diagrams of M1 of L. cimishliensis. 1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene 3. Gradishte.

 figure 4

FIGURE 5. Length/Width diagrams of M2 of L. cimishliensis. 1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene 3. Gradishte.

figure 5 

FIGURE 6. Length/Width diagrams of m1 of L. cimishliensis.1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene 3. Gradishte.

 figure 6

FIGURE 7. Length/Width diagrams of m1 of L. cimishliensis. 1. Chimishliya 2. Gura Galbene.

 figure 7

FIGURE 8. Ranges of size variation (in millimetres) in the upper dentition of genera Lophocricetus.

 figure 8

FIGURE 9. Ranges of size variation (in millimetres) in the lower dentition of genera Lophocricetus.

 figure 9