
COVER 1. Trilobite Pirouette: Upper Cambrian bed soles from Oman, illustrating the exquisitely preserved large looping trace fossil Cruziana semiplicata, a trace thought to be formed by the grazing actions of the trilobite Maladioidella.

COVER 2. Nature as Fingerpainter: Curiously spiral-shaped micritic crust precipitated on a slab of Upper Jurassic limestone from the "Montenovo" quarry at Westerstetten, Germany.

COVER 3. The Strange World of Ediacara: Two specimens of the large Ediacaran form Charnodiscus, an animal thought to have lived upright on the seafloor, much like a modern seapen. Cast preserved on a bed sole from the Rawnsley Quarzite of South Australia.


COVER 4. Worm Burrow Jungle: Bed bottom laden with Arthrophycus, a trace fossil thought to be formed by the burrowing activity of worms, who may have produced such intricate features by creating u-shaped tunnels in fetid seafloor muds. Slabs are from the Silurian Acacus Sandstone of southern Libya.


Copyright: Coquina Press, 15 March 1999