Acadiensis Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region Revue d’histoire de la région Atlantique

Managing editor(s): Stephen Dutcher / Editor(s): Suzanne Morton, Andrew Nurse


Acadiensis was established in 1971 in order to promote the study of the history of Atlantic Canada. From the beginning, the region and its history have been broadly defined. The scope includes not only the territory of Canada's four Atlantic Provinces but also northern New England, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the North Atlantic as they impinge on the history of the region. Contributors have included historians (who account for the largest single group of authors) as well as specialists in historical geography, economic history, folklore, literature, political science, anthropology, sociology, law and other fields. Comparative studies dealing with more than one region are also welcome. Articles are accepted and published in either English or French.

This publication is published twice annually, in the Spring and Autumn.


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