Revue internationale de la recherche interculturelle
International Journal of Intercultural Research
Revista International de la Investigacion Intercultural
Managing editor(s): Yvan Leanza (Directeur)
Alterstice is a contraction of "otherness" and "interstice" or else of the Latin "alter", other, and "stare", being. The word means "to be other, to be in a difference". It refers both to the quality of being other and to be in an in-between, an interval that transforms.
The main objective of this review is to disseminate widely the results of research and reflections that take "culture seriously" in the understanding of human phenomena.
Alterstice uses a broad definition of what is intercultural research in the aim of expanding the “natural” boundaries of different study fields related to migrants, migration and to phenomena existing within one or several cultures. To understand local realities in a globalised world, converging views between researchers are encouraged since they give an additional depth into social sciences analyses.
Postal adress
c/o Yvan Leanza
Professeur titulaire
École de psychologie
Université Laval
2325, rue des Bibliothèques
Québec (Qc)
G1V 0A6
Main contact
Yvan Leanza
Technical support
Journal website
Open Access
The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.
Back issues (6 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Alterstice publishes academic papers or reports on research. Articles are subject to at least two blind assessments. In case of discrepancies concerning the quality of an article, the editorial committee can decide or ask for an additional opinion.
Instructions for authors
Detailed guidelines are available on the journal's website. In summary, the submitted text should not exceed 6000 words, including footnotes and tables, but not references. It is expected that the authors will respect the usual academic criteria: the article must have a problematic, an appropriate literature review, sufficient elements of methodology, a clear presentation of the results, a discussion and conclusion developed. Each of these sections must be identifiable.
The journal accepts texts in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and English. A text in a language other than French must be accompanied by a synthesis of 1000 words in French. Without this synthesis the article will not be accepted for evaluation. This summary should be submitted as an additional file.
Instructions for guest editors
The person or persons interested in publishing an issue should contact the editor at the following address: to verify the relevance of the topic and the interest of the journal. It will then be necessary to provide a presentation of the proposal which will be evaluated by the editorial committee. The structure of the argument is as follows:
Theoretical basis (originality, articulation of themes with the objectives of the journal, definition of key concepts).
Declination of the theme into several axes / questions.
List of authors envisaged to participate (optional).
Three to five pages maximum.
The issues are developed in collaboration between the guest editors and the magazine. A thematic issue has six to eight articles associated with the theme. Publishers are free to propose authors or make a "call for proposals" for texts to search for interested authors once the number has been approved. Publishers have the freedom to accept or reject texts. However, Alterstice's management ensures that the proposed texts follow the journal's editorial line.
Authors who publish in Alterstice accept the following terms:
- The authors retain the copyright and grant the magazine the right of first publication, the work being available simultaneously under the Creative Commons Attribution License allowing others to share the work while acknowledging paternity and initial publication in this journal.
- Authors may enter into additional and separate contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the printed version of the book by the journal (eg, institutional repository or publication in a book), accompanied by acknowledgment of publication in this review.
Details of the journal's editorial policy and instructions for authors and guest editors are available online.
Editorial board
Editorial Board
Yvan Leanza, Université Laval, CANADA
Catherine Montgomery, Département de communication publique et sociale, UQAM Équipe METISS, CANADA
René Mokounkolo, Université François Rabelais de Tours, FRANCE
Jacques Rhéaume, Université du Québec à Montréal, CANADA
Francine Saillant, Université Laval, CANADA
Scientific Committee
Fatima Moussa, Université d'Alger, ALGÉRIE
Nicole Carignan, Université du Québec à Montréal, CANADA
Gilles Bibeau, Université de Montréal, CANADA
Prof. Pierre Dasen, Université de Genève, SUISSE
Abdeljalil Akkari, Université de Genève, SUISSE
Christiane Perregaux, Université de Genève, SUISSE
Laurence Ossipow, HES-SO, SUISSE
Calin Rus, Institut interculturel de Timisoara, ROUMANIE
Concetta Sirna, Universita di Messina, ITALIE
Claire Autant-Dorier, Université de Saint-Etienne, FRANCE
Margalit Cohen-Emerique, FRANCE
Donatille Mujawamariya, Université d'Ottawa, CANADA
Lucienne Martins Borges, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, BRÉSIL
Dr. Altay A. Manco, IRFAM, BELGIQUE
Ghazi Chakroun, Université de Sfax, TUNISIE
Jacques-Philippe Tsala-Tsala, Université de Yaoundé, CAMEROUN
Tchirine Mekideche, Université d'Alger, ALGÉRIE
Khadiyatoulah Fall, Université de Chicoutimi, CANADA
Editing and layout
Anna Olivier, Athéna Rédaction, CANADA