Arborescences Revue d'études françaises

Managing editor(s): Patrick Thériault (Co-directeur), Anne-José Villeneuve (Co-directrice)


There is no aspect of French language that is alien to Arborescences, an electronic journal dedicated to research in all disciplines of French Studies, whether it be literature, linguistics or didactics.

Each issue of Arborescences explores a specific topic and proposes substantial, peer-reviewed articles in French or English, edited by a renowned specialist.

Available in open access on’s platform, Arborescences is affiliated with the French Studies Department of the University of Toronto, where it was founded in 2010.


MLA International Bibliography


Journal Website

Contact the journal


    Phone: (416) 926 1300  ext. 3496

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.


Back issues (8 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

All articles are reviewed anonymously by two peers.

The author preserves all copyrights as well as the rights to publish with no restrictions. The author is free to republish (auto-archiving) the official version produced by the journal (post-print) provided that he or she indicates the reference to the journal and provides a link containing the journal’s original place of publication (Erudit platform).

The perennial archiving of Arborescences is supported by Portico.

The journal only accepts papers or paper proposals that have been solicited by the editors. The journal provides the solicited authors with the style sheet.

The journal Arborescences publishes original content and condemns all forms of plagiarism, whether from someone else’s work or autoplagiarism.

According to the Oxford dictionary, to plagiarize is defined as to “take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's own”. Autoplagiarism is the occurrence of a same paper or portion of paper by the author in more than one publication, without using quotation marks or mentioning sources.

To avoid plagiarism, it is essential to cite any non-original text within quotation marks and mention the sources, in accordance to the format specified in the editorial protocol of the journal.

If plagiarism is found in a paper that has been submitted, the paper will be rejected unless its author provides satisfying explanations to the journal’s committee, which reserves the right to request changes. Any plagiaristic author will be excluded from future collaboration with Arborescences. If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the plagiarized paper will be removed from the e-journal, and will be replaced by the following statement: “The paper (title) by (name) has been removed from this issue, as it included plagiarized content.” The situation could be brought to the attention of Erudit, so further verification could be completed regarding the plagiaristic author.

Editorial board

Co-managing Editors

Patrick THÉRIAULT (University of Toronto) et Anne-José VILLENEUVE (University of Alberta)

Editorial Board:

Patrick THÉRIAULT (University of Toronto)

Anne-José VILLENEUVE (co-directrice) (University of Alberta)

Francis LANGEVIN (University of British Columbia)

Joëlle PAPILLON (McMaster University)

Julie SAINT-LAURENT (University of Toronto)

Editorial Secretary: Eric CHEVRETTE (University of Toronto)


Published by

Department of French Studies — University of Toronto

Editorial Advisory Board

Jan BAETENS  (Université de Leuven)

Denis BÉDARD  (Université de Sherbrooke)

Hélène CAZES  (University of Victoria)

Jacqueline CERQUIGLINI  (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Jean-Pierre CUQ  (Université de Nice)

Béatrice DIDIER  (École normale supérieure)

Denis HOLLIER  (New York University)

Aafke HULK  (Université d'Amsterdam)

Richard KAYNE  (New York University)

Claire KRAMSCH  (University of California, Berkeley)

Françoise LIONNET  (University of California, Los Angeles)

France MARTINEAU  (Université d’Ottawa)

Dominique RABATÉ  (Université Paris VII - Diderot)

Richard TRACHSLER  (Université de Zurich)

Albert VALDMAN  (Indiana University)