
Managing editor(s): Vivianne Maréchal (Directrice)


The journal Archives publishes the results of research and reflections on archival theory and practice.

The main mandate of the journal is to contribute to the development of archival and information sciences, both from the point of view of theory and practice, by providing a space for publication for research, reflections and professional experiences.

Archives also contributes to the representation of the Quebec archival community at the national and international levels.

Archives  is a meeting point between diverse disciplines more traditional related to information sciences such as archival, library sciences or document management and new challenges as knowledge management, change management, metadata management or content management.

The journal is the dissemination medium of the Association des archivistes du Québec (AAQ) and the language of publication is French.

Portico is responsible for the digital preservation of Archives.



Journal's Website


Each issue of Archives is available on our website one year exclusively for AAQ members and journal subscribers. In order to subscribe to the journal to take advantage of the exclusives:

Individual digital subscription: Érudit is not responsible for managing individual subscriptions. For an individual subscription, please contact the journal at

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Following the exclusivity year, each issue of the journal is freely accessible and can be downloaded entirely from the É portal.

Back issues (4 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Publication standards

The editorial board has a duty to ensure the objectivity and neutrality of the author in relation to the subject. It therefore gives itself the right to refuse any text which does not meet the criteria mentioned.

  • to publish unpublished texts in French and, exceptionally, translations of texts already published, the content of which is of fundamental interest for archival practice;
  • to publish texts of quality both in terms of substance and form (a structure which facilitates reading and which follows the intellectual progress of the author, a neutral and objective tone);
  • to publish texts relevant to the discipline and profession;
  • to publish regularly a bibliography relevant to the discipline and the profession;
  • to publish regularly a thematic issue on a current topic contributing to the development of the discipline and profession;
  • to exclude presentations of research instruments and archives, legal texts, whether they are integral or not, as well as reports and memoranda, except those of the Association where their importance warrants.

Writing Guide

Types of published texts

It is possible to submit different types of text formats for publication: studies, notes and assessments of experiences as well as reports.


Articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the information sciences by dealing with an aspect of the various disciplines connected with it, and which describe its evolution, questions or theories, principles, methods and techniques are clean. The term "studies" refers to articulated and documented texts that scientifically present a theoretical problematic.

Notes and reviews

Articulated and documented texts that expose problems based on the practice or the conclusions of a reflection on it. They are distinguished from a study in which the author proposes to share his or her experience within a specific archival medium or practice, or, more generally, the reflections to which the author leads experience.


Critical reviews of recently published books on issues of concern to archivists. Before submitting a report, contact the Archives Review Committee to ensure that the book is not already part of a writing process.

Structure and Content

The proceedings are divided into three parts, presented in the following order: summary of the book, critical analysis and evaluation of the book. It is also important to provide a complete bibliographic description of each book or site (author, title, place of publication, publisher, date, number of pages) and the author of the organization to which he is attached, as well as the function he occupies there.

Part 1: Summary of the book

The abstract is the descriptive part that makes it possible to make the book or the site known objectively: what subjects are covered, in what order they are treated, point of view and approach of the author, conclusion.

Part 2: Critical analysis

Critical analysis allows the reader to judge the quality of the research, the results and their presentation. It presents in detail arguments about the strengths and weaknesses of the elements presented in the summary: relevance and timeliness of the choice of theme and approach, logical or original character of the approach and plan, convincing or unexpected conclusions ... All this so as to give a nuanced reading of the book or the site, which goes beyond the simple descriptive framework of the preceding part.

Part 3: Evaluation of the book

The evaluation of the book concludes the proceedings. The author's point of view is then known about the structure or site being analyzed. The latter then tries to clarify, in a summary text, what the book or the site identified brings to the discipline and how it can enrich the daily practice of archival science.

Right of reply:

The author of a work or website that has given rise to a critical review in the journal may request a right of reply. In this way, he will be able to correct perceptions that he deems wrong or to make his choices and points of view clear. The length of the reply should be proportional to the length of the report.

Assessment and Review Process

Between the submission of a text and its publication, it can take between 3 months and a year. The texts submitted are read by the editorial team for the first time, followed by a peer review process, in a single blind format. To do this, the editorial team uses two experts unknown to the author, who evaluate the content of the texts. An evaluation grid is completed and a process of dialogue with the author is initiated by the editorial staff. As a result of this exchange, the text is given to a team of linguistic reviewers and the publication process is initiated.

Presentation of the text

The length of the contribution must be between 5,000 and 25,000 words (tables, figures and references not included) in the Times New Roman 10 font, with margins of 3 cm on each side and a line spacing of 1.5. The text must be justified and a double line break must be made between the introduction, the different parts and the conclusion. Each paragraph must begin with a withdrawal and the titles must be numbered.

A report should be about 1,200 to 1,500 words in length, but may contain more words when dealing with a voluminous work with a particularly rich content; it should not exceed 3,000 words.

Name of the author

The names of the author and possible co-authors, their function and their institution or organization of affiliation are listed after the title of the text in this form:

First name Last name Professional title, name of organization.

Example: Julie LeBouthiller Archivist, MRC des Maskoutains

The name of the author is reproduced at the end of his text, before the notes and the bibliography.

Tables, graphics, images, etc.

Tables, graphs and illustrations must be provided in separate files with their location in the body of the text. In order to avoid errors, all graphic elements must be clearly titled. Their title must be bold, centered and under the table, graphic or image.

Writing rules

We follow the standards of the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) as posted on their website.


Abbreviations, acronyms and acronyms should be explained when they first appear in the text and then be used in a consistent and invariable way. No abbreviations will be used in the title or in the abstract. In order not to impair clarity, they must be limited in number.


It is preferable to write in letters the numbers ending in "0" (20, 50, 1000, etc.) as well as the digits of 21 and less. Numbers containing several "0s" such as millions have advantage to be written in letter. Ex: 53 million.

The years are written in figures (eg 2017, 2010-2020), but the centuries are in Roman numerals with only the letter e in exponent (ex: 19th century, 20th century, 21st century).

Italic, bold or underlined

The italicization will be made in accordance with the current standards and will apply in particular to foreign expressions / phrases and names of works.

The use of the bold character is to be avoided.

Underlining is reserved for hyperlinks.

Punctuation and Spacing

There is no space before the comma and the point, but there is one space next. Do not double space after a point.

The French quotation marks call for an outside space and a non-breakable space inside.

Colons, exclamation and query points require a non-breakable space before and a space afterwards.

Non-breakable spaces are sometimes created automatically in word processing. To create an unbreakable space in Word under Windows, press "Ctrl + Shift + Space" simultaneously; and with a MAC, "Alt + Space".

Citations and references

The indication of the reference must be placed at the end of the quotation, in parentheses. The reference includes the surname of the author, the date of the work, and in the case in a specific extract, the page number. All elements are separated by a comma.

Examples: (Major, 2017, p.13) or (Mazoir, 2010)

Short quotations, less than 40 words, will be quoted "...".

Example of short quotation: According to the experts, the AAQ is "the best professional association" (Tremblay, 2016, p.32).

For long quotations, exceeding 40 words, are indicated by a line break and an indent, without the quotation marks, as in the following example:

According to the experts, the AAQ is

                                the best professional association that the universe is created because its members are extraordinarily intelligent                                     and its volunteers very dedicated. A chance that we have this association to represent us and publish the                                                 journal Archives! The AAQ celebrates this year its 50 years. (Tremblay, 2016, p.32)

Bibliography - American Psychological Association (APA) standards adapted for the journal

The journal Archives opts for the use of presentation rules related to APA standards. Many resources are available online on the use of these standards. The libraries of the University of Montreal propose two: cite according to the norms of the APA and a printable table. These tools were used to illustrate the examples that follow.

The APA requires the insertion of a paragraph (i.e. a tabulation) of about 1 cm at the beginning of the second and subsequent rows of each reference.

One difference: the last name of the authors of articles, works or websites are in capital letters.


MAUREL, D. and BERGERON, P. (2008-2009). What role for archivists in organizational memory management? Archives 40 (2), 27-44.

Electronic article (without DOI)

BISSONNETTE, N. (2012-2013). E-mail management: strategies, technologies and best practices. Archives 44 (1), 77-113. Spotted at

Electronic article (with DOI)

GAGNON-ARGUIN, L. (2008). Professional journals in the information sciences in Quebec Documentation and libraries. 54 (2), 189-192. doi: 10.7202 / 1029333ar


COUTURE, C. et al. (1999). The functions of contemporary archival science. Sainte-Foy: Presses of the University of Quebec.


HÉOM, G. (1999). The classification. In Couture, C. et al. The functions of contemporary archival science. (219-254) Sainte-Foy: Presses of the University of Quebec.

Thesis or dissertation (electronic, on the Internet)

MAS, S. (2007). Classification schemes and identification of electronic administrative documents in a context of decentralized management of information resources. (Doctoral Thesis, University of Montreal). Spotted at

Communication at a conference or congress

LARIVIÈRE, V. (2015, November). Transformations of scholarly publishing in the digital age. Paper presented at the Émudit Seminar, Montreal, Quebec. Spotted at

Individual Internet page

LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA. (2006). Classification according to function. Identified at

Blog Post

ROY, S. (2016, January 18). Environment and document management [blog post]. Spotted at

Wikipedia and other wikis

Information science. (s.d.) In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Spotted on February 28, 2016 at


Publication Calendar

To find the deadlines for the different issues, please consult the journal's publication calendar.

Editorial board


The Archives Review Committee (CORA) is mandated to publish a professional journal of a scientific nature in the field of organic and recorded information.

In accordance with this mandate, the Committee pursues the following objectives:

  • establish a communication channel for members of the AAQ and the national and international archival community;
  • inform readers of research, reflections and experiences in archival science and related disciplines.

CORA members can therefore assist you in the drafting of your texts and can help you with writing or provide you with the necessary tools. For any comment or question, to submit a text or to get involved, do not hesitate to contact the editorial office at




Vivianne Maréchal, University of Quebec in Montreal



Albe Guiral, Center for Oral History and Digitized Stories
Christine Périgny, Corrector and Editor
Evelyne Gratton, Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec
Isabelle Contant, Office québécois de la langue française
Jessica Huynh, University of Montreal Hospital Center
Josiane Jacob, Parks Canada Agency
Julie LeBouthillier, MRC des Maskoutains
Laure Guitard, PhD Student at University of Montréal
Linda Rivest, Société d'Histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord
Lise Boutet, Archivist
Mariana Kaleeva, Montreal Fertility Center
Marie-Claude Clermont-Fortier, Congrégation de Notre-Dame
Maude Charest, University of Montreal Hospital Center
Pierre Lavigne, Archivist
Sarah Corbillon, Desjardins Group
Sarah Drouin, student at University of Montréal
Sophie Djebrouni, Archivist
Susanne Julien, Archivist


Reporting Officer

Julien Bréard, University of Montreal Hospital Center


Communications Officer

Mylène Bélanger, Exporail, the Canadian Railway Museum


Special Collaboration

Alexandra Buthiaux, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Béatrice Lecomte, University of Quebec in Montreal