Revue d'études cinématographiques
Journal of Film Studies
Managing editor(s): Richard Bégin (Directeur) / Editor(s): Marnie Mariscalchi (Éditrice)
Cinémas is a specialty journal primarily concerned with cinematographic studies and theoretical or analytical projects that embrace different approaches, methods and disciplines (aesthetics, semiotics, history, communications, human sciences, art history, etc.) likely to stimulate reflection. Particular attention is given to research into the changes underway with regard both to creative practices and theoretical discourse.
Mailing address
Revue Cinémas
Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
Case postale 6128, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7
Civic address
Revue Cinémas
Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150 rue Jean-Brillant, 2e étage, local c-2168
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1N9
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Librairie de Verdun
4750, rue Wellington
Librairie Zone Libre
262, rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Librairie Pantoute (Saint-Roch)
286, rue Saint-Joseph Est
Librairie Pantoute (Vieux-Québec)
1100, rue Saint-Jean
Librairie Les Bouquinistes
392, rue Racine Est
Librairie En Marge
25, avenue Principale
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Back issues (57 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Cinémas publishes three issues a year, in the form of a double issue (in the Spring) and a single issue (in the Fall). Each issue usually comprises a thematic dossier, placed under the responsibility of a researcher, and a "Miscellaneous" section.
Cinémas is indexed in the following databases: EBSCOhost, Érudit, FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals, Isidore, Google Scholar, MLA International Bibliography, Persée, Proquest and SDM Repère.
Open access
In accordance with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications, any article published by Cinémas is available online without restriction 12 months after its publication date.
Next generation
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows may submit an article to the journal. Articles of students or postdoctoral fellows are evaluated according to the same criteria and receive the same treatment as articles from established researchers. The status of the author is not revealed to the evaluators and is not taken into account at any point in the editorial process. On average, 25% of the articles published by the journal are led by a student or postdoctoral fellow.
Evaluation process
Any article published by the journal was selected at the end of the process described below, whose guiding principles are independence, impartiality and confidentiality.
Average time between submission and acceptance: 4 months
1. The validation of the manuscript
The manuscript is first reviewed by the Managing Editor, who checks to see if it meets the standards of the article submission protocol. The manuscript is then subject to an initial assessment by the Editor in Chief, who determines whether the article meets the basic scientific criteria of the journal.
2. Peer evaluation
An anonymous version of the manuscript is evaluated by a minimum of 3 researchers selected expressly by the Editor in Chief according to their competence and their specialization.
Each evaluator must complete an evaluation form, which contains specific questions to guide their thinking and analysis. The evaluator is thus invited to consider the relevance of the article for the journal (and for the thematic dossier, if applicable), to evaluate the scientific qualities and the originality of the text, to judge the quality of writing and style, to suggest possible modifications or corrections and, finally, to make its final recommendation. The evaluator can also annotate the manuscript.
A minimum period of 3 weeks is granted to the evaluator to allow him to make a careful reading, to conduct the necessary research to verify the arguments defended and to issue a well-considered opinion. A minimum of 2 favorable opinions is required for the article to be selected for publication.
The article can be accepted without modification, accepted subject to (minor or major) modifications or refused. The decision is up to the Editor in Chief, who informs the author by sending him an evaluation report where the comments of the evaluators are transcribed in full (preserving their anonymity), accompanied by a letter where the requested changes are clearly stated.
3. Editorial verification
The author whose article is accepted has a period of between 30 and 90 days to revise his manuscript with regard to the evaluation report. The second version of the article is evaluated by a member of the Editorial Board, who can accept it as is or request additional modifications - in which case the third version of the manuscript is evaluated by the Editor in Chief, who determines if the changes made are satisfactory.
The manuscript then enters the editorial chain.
Any reference to earlier publications should be clearly identified.
Plagiarism is the total or partial use, literal or disguised, of an idea, a statement, a text, or any element, whether published or not, by passing it for one's own or omitting to provide the exact source according to the standards of scholarly publishing. Cinemas categorically rejects any plagiarism and do not differentiate cases according to their severity or magnitude; any obvious case of plagiarism entails the same measures.
Plagiarism noted prior to publication results in immediate rejection of the article and automatic rejection of any subsequent submission by the author.
If plagiarism is found after the publication of the article, the journal will issue a statement and will make sure to limit the impact of this plagiarism, including by clearly identifying the offending text.
In all cases, the journal will report the situation to the home institution of the author, to the agencies funding its research, if any, as well as to the persons it considers to be directly concerned (for example, the author's academic advisor or the plagiarized author).
One exception is provided: in the case of inadvertent self-plagiarism discovered before publication, and only in this case, the author will first have the opportunity to make the necessary corrections and changes so that his text conforms to the policies of the journal. Changes will be evaluated by the Editor in Chief, who will determine if they are satisfactory.
Instruction pour les auteurs
To submit an article
The manuscript must be, in its totality, original and unpublished, in any medium and in any language.
The author must sign a publishing agreement. This document "seeks a balance between the rights and obligations of the parties, in the context of the uses of publishing and the laws of Quebec, for the wide dissemination of the text by all available technological means." The author remains the copyright owner of the article, but agrees to grant the publisher all the rights required to operate the journal according to current and future uses. For this purpose, the author grants to the publisher an exclusive license which authorizes, in the language of the article, throughout the world and for the duration of the rights on the journal to reproduce the article by all processes and in all formats.
To submit an article for the "Miscellaneous" section, please contact the team by email at
To submit an article for a thematic dossier, please contact the researcher responsible for that dossier by email at their professional address.
Your message must include your name, affiliation and postal address, as well as your manuscript (DOCX format) and, if applicable, your illustrations (JPEG or TIFF formats).
Your manuscript must be between 30 000 and 40 000 characters, with spaces, including the endnotes and the bibliography.
It must be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 1 000 characters.
Bibliographical references
Your manuscript must include an accurate and complete bibliography. References must be in parentheses in the body of the text according to the Chicago Author/Date style.
Images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch (DPI). Each image must be transmitted separately.
If an image does not belong to the public domain, it is incumbent on the author to identify the rights holders and to obtain their agreement for its reproduction. The rights holders must sign a license agreement. Reproduction rights, if any, must be paid by the author.
The author must indicate, by the mention "Fig. X " followed by the caption, where each of the illustrations should appear in the article. The caption must describe the image, specify the source and mention the rights holders, should they require so.
To propose a thematic dossier
To propose a thematic issue for which you want to have the editorial responsibility, please contact the team by email at
Your message must include your name, affiliation, and the elements described below, in a single file in DOCX format.
The Editorial Committee of the journal evaluates the thematic dossier proposals. The Editor in Chief sends a detailed notice of acceptance or refusal to the proposer. If the thematic dossier proposal is accepted, the Managing Editor contacts the proposer to plan the rest of the editorial process.
The proposer must clearly present in 2 000 words the chosen theme, emphasizing the relevance of the subject in relation to the development of knowledge in film studies. The proposal must have a provisional title.
Article projects
The manager must submit 7 article projects of 500 words, written by the prospective collaborators. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to request the addition or removal of one or more article project. The publication of each article is conditional upon the author's signature of the publishing agreement and its acceptance at the end of the evaluation process.
The proposer may be the author or co-author of one of the article projects. There must be at least 1 graduate student or postdoctoral fellow among the prospective collaborators. At least 2 article projects must be in English. Equitable representation of the genders and minorities is strongly encouraged.
For each article project, the proposer must provide a 150-word notice specifying the professional title, affiliation and research interests of its author.
Editorial board
Editor in Chief
Richard Bégin
Managing Editor
Marnie Mariscalchi
Editorial Board
Richard Bégin (Université de Montréal)
Marta Boni (Université de Montréal)
Philippe Mather (Campion College at University of Saskatchewan)
Viva Paci (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Joëlle Rouleau (Université de Montréal)
Aboubakar Sanogo (Carleton University)
International Committee
Emmanuelle André (Université Paris 7, France)
Vincent Bouchard (Indiana University, États-Unis)
Laurent Guido (Université de Lille, France)
Todd McGowan (University of Vermont, États-Unis)
Dominique Nasta (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgique)
Beate Oschner (Universität Konstänz, Allemagne)
Heui-Tae Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Corée du Sud)
Leonardo Quaresima (Università di Udine, Italie)
Maxime Scheinfeigel (Université Montpellier 3, France)
Benoît Turquety (Université de Lausanne, Suisse)
Adolfo Vera (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
Michel Larouche
Denise Pérusse