Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics

Volume 22, Number 1, 2019 Special Issue: In Memory of Larry Vandergrift Numéro spécial : à la mémoire de Larry Vandergrift Guest-edited by Marie-Josée Hamel and Jennifer St. John

Table of contents (7 articles)


  1. Introduction au numéro spécial
  2. Introduction to the Special Issue


  1. Étude de la perception des apprenants de français langue étrangère concernant l’enseignement des langues basé sur les tâches
  2. Understanding the Relationship Between Second Language Teacher Beliefs and Their Instructional Practices: A Case Study of Core French Teachers
  3. Exploring Trends in 21st Century Canadian K-12 French as Second Language Research: A Research Synthesis
  4. L2 Vocabulary Knowledge and L2 Listening Comprehension: A Structural Equation Model
  5. Innovation and Reform in Course Planning, Teaching, and Assessment: The CEFR in Canada and Switzerland, A Comparative Study

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