Communiquer Revue de communication sociale et publique

Managing editor(s): Benoit Cordelier (Directeur éditorial), Chantal Aurousseau (Coordonnatrice éditoriale), Caroline Bouchard (Coordonnatrice éditoriale), Martin Lussier (Coordonnateur éditorial), Florence Millerand (Coordonnatrice éditoriale) / Editor(s): Marie-Claude Plourde (Assistante éditoriale), Karelle Arsenault (Réviseure linguistique)


About Communiquer

Communiquer (Social and Public Communication Journal) publishes texts that can help a better understanding of communication phenomena involving human beings.

It aims to contribute to the international influence and institutionalization of knowledge produced by francophone research in social and public communication. Following this goal, in 2015, Communiquer has transferred all its editorial contents on

Communiquer is intended for international researchers and practitioners with research interest covered by the journal. It is open to contributions from people from various backgrounds whose research issues address one or many of the journal’s fields of interest.


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Communiquer editorial board is currently working on its inscription in other databases in order to broaden its dissemination.


Contact information

For any inquiries or comments, please contact us at the following address:

By regular post:

Department of Social and Public Communication, Faculty of Communication
3rd Floor, Judith-Jasmin Pavilion (J-3190)
University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)
PO Box 8888, Downtown Branch
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3P8 Canada

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

To receive Communiquer issues

Communiquer is an open access journal. We invite readers to subscribe to the mailing list to receive publication notices. To do so, readers can indicate their interest by e-mail to:

Back issues (1 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Editorial Policy

Communiquer publishes texts that can help bring a better understanding of communication phenomena involving human beings. Organizational communication, intercultural and international communication, interpersonal and group communication, marketing and publicity communication, political communication, as well as health, environment, technology, scientific, public relations and human communication as a whole constitute its fields of interests.

As it is a scientific journal, every text is submitted to a peer review committee. Essays are evaluated upon their contribution to communication theory.

The submitted articles are expected to offer theoretical reflections based on empirical and observation thus contribute to the renewing of research avenues and practices. Theoretical essays and literature reviews may be accepted as long as their contribution to the progress of knowledge and the development of research is demonstrated.

Communiquer is specifically interested in short texts that clearly state their contributions to existing scientific literature. The writing style and formulations must be clear and well articulate.


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement Requirements

Publishing Process


Communiquer accepts submission of scientific articles—i.e. any paper derived from research conducted using methods accepted by the scholar community—written in French. The paper should meet the journal Editorial Policy and submission requirements.

Original Content

Communiquer publishes only original articles (articles that have not been previously issued on any other medium) whether in French or any other language. Exceptions are possible depending on the interest of the article and at the invitation of the editorial committee; however these will be identified as “Special Edition” or “Invited Paper”.


Authors must respect the anonymization conditions of any files submitted to warrant a double-blind evaluation. In this regard, at the moment of submitting, authors have to go through a mandatory checklist.

Communiquer guarantees the confidentiality of personal information related to all submission throughout the entire evaluation process. Only the following people can access submission personal data: authors and members of the editorial board. Invited editors can access some information related to the thematic issue they are coordinating.

Peer review process is double-blind:

  • reviewers will not be able to access the personal information related to the article addressed to him or her. Only once the article online they can identify the text they have reviewed.

  • authors will not access reviewers’ information, whatever the submission final status, unless the reviewers agree on been identified after the article is released.

Use Responsibilities and Obligations

Plagiarism and Methodological Compliance

Communiquer observes a plagiarism policy throughout its selection and proofreading process. This plagiarism policy applies to all material published by the journal.

Communiquer does not tolerate the publication of any information or results the editorial board would know were falsified or plagiarized. In this regard, Communiquer invites authors to the utmost vigilance.

If errors are identified after publication, Communiquer undertakes to correct them by publishing a corrigendum.

In case of fraud identified after publication, Communiquer will remove the fraudulent material.

Plagiarism Policy

Authors expressly guarantee to Communiquer the peaceful exercise of the rights previously given to the Journal for their papers publication. When submitting, authors declare their articles are original, that they contain nothing that could fall under the laws concerning copyright, defamation, privacy policies or counterfeiting. Authors guarantee their articles are unique and of their composition; and if the work and words of other authors are used, they are referenced or quoted appropriately following APA standards.

According to the Oxford dictionary, plagiarism is "presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence." (See

Plagiarizing is also: copying verbatim an excerpt from a book, magazine or web page without quotation marks and/or without mentioning the source; inserting images, graphics, data, etc. from external sources without indicating the source; summarizing in his own words the original idea of an author, but omitting to indicate the source.(

If the editorial board suspects any form of plagiarism, it reserves the right to refuse the publication of the article, to withdraw it if already published, and to take legal actions if needed.

Open Access

Communiquer provides free and immediate access to all the articles it publishes.

All articles are released under the Creative Commons license for which authors and the editorial board duly complete a reciprocal agreement when authors submit their articles on the journal online management platform.


Articles on Communiquer website are published under the Creative Commons license.

Internet users who publicly use the documents available on the Communiquer website agree to respect the following obligations:

  • To quote correctly the name of the author, as indicated on the website by the author of the work or the owner of the rights conferring the authorization;

  • To not use the work for commercial purposes;

  • To not modify, transform or adapt the used contents.

The Editorial Board Responsibilities

Articles prequalification

Communiquer editorial board establishes articles admissibility according to formal criteria, and to the adequacy of the content to the Editorial Policy as well. In the case of a thematic issue, the invited editor supersedes the editorial board in this duty. Whatsoever, the invited editor acts under the supervision of the editorial board.

Once an article is prequalified, the editorial board relies on the expertise and opinion of the reviewers to evaluate the potential for publication of the submission. Communiquer editorial board can further intervene if there are serious issues.

Double-blind Peer Review

All submitted papers (with the noted exception of invited papers) are evaluated in a double-blind process with at least two reviewers from Communiquer scientific and reviewers boards.

The editorial board (or invited editor) summarizes the assessments and makes the appropriate editorial decision needed for the process to continue (accepted for publication, minor revisions, major revisions, rejection). The editorial board (or invited editor) validates minor revisions.

When facing major revision recommendations from reviewers, the revised article is sent for a second external double-blind reviewing round. Beyond two cycles of double-blind peer reviewed, the article may be rejected.


Communiquer guarantees a complete and secure archiving of any data intended for publication, entrusted to the Journal by using the Université du Québec à Montréal (University of Quebec in Montreal; UQAM) secured servers.

Reviewers Responsibilities

Editorial decisions

Reviewers are selected on the basis of their recognized expertise in the scientific community they belong to.

Reviewers participate in editorial decisions and contribute to the improvement of the articles through their evaluation and recommendations.

Reviewers are asked to make appropriate comments and recommendations about theoretical frames, concepts, literature, methodology and analyses. They then advise Communiquer editorial board on their decision based on specific elements and recommend publication (with or without modification) or rejection.

The editorial board has the final decision based on the reviews recommendation.

They also contribute identifying plagiarism by signalling the Communiquer editorial board suspicious similarities, problems of quotation or referencing.

They have to explain the elements that justify their assessment and decision diligently in order to offer a nourishing and constructive evaluation.

Conflict of Interest/Publication Ethics

Communiquer selects reviewers following guidelines to avoid any conflict of interest. The editorial board also asks reviewers to withdraw from the process if they identify the author(s) whose paper they are reviewing.

Authors Responsibilities

Original Content and Single Submission

Authors submit only unpublished work to Communiquer (i.e. articles that have not been issued on any other medium before) whether in French or any other language.

In addition, to avoid multiple and simultaneous submissions, authors should submit their article only to one scientific journal at a time.

Scientific Quality

Submissions should clearly state the theoretical, methodological and analytical elements as well as all the information and references needed to allow a relevant evaluation of the submitted work.

Authors have the obligation to present their sources and references.

Conflict of Interest and Acknowledgement

Authors must clearly indicate any potential conflict of interest. Organisms that funded the research must be specified when first submitting; they must also be reported in the first footnote of the paper.

Instruction pour les auteurs

Submission Guidelines

Instructions available on the French's interface.

Editorial board

The Editorial Board of Communiquer is composed of:

Benoît Cordelier, Editorial Director
Professor, Département de communication sociale et publique (UQAM)

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board team accompanies the Director in his functions, the team insures all of the decision-making linked to the journal. In addition to the daily management of the journal’s activities, the Editorial Board ensures the quality and development of the journal.

Chantal Aurousseau, Professor, Département de communication sociale et publique (UQAM)

Caroline Bouchard, Professor, Département de communication sociale et publique (UQAM)

Martin Lussier, Professor, Département de communication sociale et publique (UQAM)

Florence Millerand, Professor, Département de communication sociale et publique (UQAM)

Editorial Assistant

Marie-Claude Plourde, Ph.D. Student, Département de communication sociale et publique (UQAM)


Scientific Committee

The scientific committee contributes to Communiquer editorial policy and ensures its rigor as well as its scientific quality. In addition, its members participate in the evaluation of submitted articles.

It is composed of the following people:

  • Laurence Allard, Université de Lille III, France
  • Karine Berthelot Guiet, Université CELSA – Paris Sorbonne, France
  • Luc Bonneville, Université d’Ottawa, Canada
  • Hélène Bourdeloie, ISIC, Université Paris Sorbonne, France
  • Colette Brin, Université Laval, Canada
  • François Cooren, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Michael Dorland, Université de Carleton, Canada
  • David Douyère, Université de Tours, France
  • Olivier Galibert, Université de Bourgogne, France
  • Gino Grammacia, Université de Bordeaux, France
  • Sylvie Grosjean, Université d’Ottawa, Canada
  • Gérôme Guibert, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III, France
  • François Lambotte, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Christian Le Moënne, Université de Haute-Bretagne, Rennes II, France
  • Fabienne Martin-Juchat, Université Stendhal, Grenoble III, France
  • José Luis Piñuel Raigada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espagne
  • Serge Proulx, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada
  • Hélène Romeyer, Université de Franche-Comté, France
  • Johanne Saint-Charles, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada
  • Will Straw, Université McGill, Canada
  • Yves Winkin, École Normale Supérieure LSH de Lyon, France
  • Manuel Zacklad, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, France