Cahiers québécois de démographie Revue internationale d'étude des populations

Managing editor(s): Yves Carrière, Hélène Vézina (Directrice adjointe)

Journal preceded by Bulletin de l'Association des démographes du Québec


Cahiers québécois de démographie, founded in Montreal in 1971, publishes material in French on the subject of demography in Quebec, Canada and internationally.  The main aim of the journal is to contribute to the development of knowledge across the range of fields connected to demography, through making available the findings of researchers working in this domain.  The journal also welcomes the participation of researchers in other disciplines who are interested in measuring and understanding demographic phenomena and their evolution and impact on the renewal of populations. 

Cahiers québécois de démographie is published twice per year by the Association des démographes du Québec. Many issues of the journal are devoted to specific themes and are under the direction of invited guest editors.


Journal website:

Address for communication:


Physical address of the journal:

Département de démographie

Université de Montréal
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx,
3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal QC

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (94 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics

Guidelines for authors

Submission of manuscripts

Original articles or research notes may be submitted to the Cahiers, with a maximum length of 11,000 words (counting 400 words for each full page figure and for each table of more than 9 columns in width or 40 rows in height, other tables being counted at 200 words).  Authors must submit an abstract of a minimum of 6 lines and a maximum of 12 lines.  If possible, an English version of the abstract should be provided, including a translation of the title.  Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and the outcome of this review (accepted, refused, proposed changes) is communicated to the authors

The covering letter or email must give full details of the names, affiliations and electronic addresses of the author or authors. The title of the submission, the authors and their electronic addresses must be shown on the title page of the manuscript.  Affiliations and acknowledgements, where appropriate, should appear in a footnote. 

Authors should consult the detailed author guidelines on the website of the Association des démographes du Québec at before submitting their manuscript.  The management of the journal is not obliged to send out to peer review manuscripts which do not conform to these guidelines.  Manuscripts may be submitted by email to,  with a copy to Requests for information should be addressed to 


Review process

All articles and research notes are subject to the same criteria and the same peer review process, and are accepted or refused for publication after blind evaluation by three reviewers.  In cases where reviewers disagree, a final decision will be made by the Editor.  Reviewers’ comments are made available to authors together with a letter from the editors.  Sole responsibility for texts accepted for publication rests with their authors.

All questions relating to the review process for a submitted text must be addressed by email to the Editorial Assistant at

Policies regarding exclusivity and plagiarism

The Cahiers will not publish any text which has appeared or is due to appear in, or which has been submitted for publication to another journal or book publication. Authors must confirm that their submitted text conforms to this policy.

The Cahiers strongly condemns plagiarism, and editorial policy is particularly strict concerning the obligation to acknowledge the work of other researchers (see Guidelines for Authors).  If necessary, an author may be required to correct an article in this respect, and failure to do this will imply the rejection of the article and refusal to accept other texts submitted by the same author.  .


When a final version of a manuscript is accepted, authors will be asked to sign an agreement covering the publication of their text by the journal. This agreement reads as follows:

  1. The JOURNAL undertakes to fulfil the usual editorial functions with a view to publication of the following article : « TITLE ».
  2. The AUTHOR declares that the article mentioned above is his/her own composition, that he/she is its sole owner, and that it has not been published previously and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
  3. In accordance with the above undertakings, the AUTHOR grants to the JOURNAL exclusive world rights to this article in all languages, in its present form or in a substantially similar form.  Without prejudice to the scope of this grant of rights, it is understood that the JOURNAL may publish the article in either printed or electronic form.
  4. The AUTHOR will pass to the JOURNAL all requests to reproduce this article by whatever means, in whole or in part.
  5. The JOURNAL agrees to grant the AUTHOR, free of charge, permission to use this article or a part of this article in any work written or edited by him/her, on condition that appropriate reference is made to its first published appearance.  

Cahiers québécois de démographie is an open-access journal, and the author may therefore store a version of his/her article in an institutional archive. 

Digital Preservation Policy

Cahiers québécois de démographie is permanently archived on Portico. 

Editorial board

Editorial committee

Yves Carrière, Université de Montréal, Directeur

Hélène Vézina, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Directrice adjointe

Robert Bourbeau, Université de Montréal

Alain Gagnon, Université de Montréal

Danielle Gauvreau, Université Concordia

Chantal Girard, Institut de la statistique du Québec

Céline Le Bourdais, Université McGill

Laurent Martel, Statistique Canada

Editorial Assistant

Virginie Boulet

International scientific committee

Roderic Beaujot, University of Western Ontario

Gérard Bouchard, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Antonio Golini, Università «La Sapienza», Rome

Charlotte Höhn, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Thérèse Locoh, INED, Paris

Mumpasi Lututala, Université de Kinshasa

Roland Pressat, INED, Paris

Anatole Romaniuc, Statistique Canada, Ottawa

Alan Simmons, York University, Toronto

Guillaume Wunsch, Université catholique de Louvain