Canadian Social Work Review
Revue canadienne de service social
Editor(s): Maurice Poon (Anglophone Co-editor), François Boudreau (Francophone Co-editor)
The Canadian Social Work Review (CSWR) is a bilingual, peer-reviewed journal that reflects current thinking and focuses upon contemporary concerns relevant to Canadian and international social work practice and education. The purpose of the journal is to advance social work scholarship, practice, and education by publishing original research, critical analysis, and debate that enriches or challenges existing knowledge.
Lise Larocque, Managing Editor
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Back issues (7 issues)
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Editorial policy and ethics
The Canadian Social Work Review welcomes articles of analytic and empirical merit (between4,500 and 6,000 words). The editors are particularly interested in articles that examine current change and emerging innovations in social work practice and policy. Articles may be submitted in either English or French.
The peer review process is double-blind. Papers are sent for assessment to at least two reviewers. Your manuscript is also read by an editorial board member who reads the external reviews as well. The editor, in consultation with the editorial board, makes the final decision regarding publishing. (accept, reject or recommend revisions to the paper) This process usually takes between four and six months and authors will be contacted once the evaluation has been completed.
Criteria for Evaluation
- Does this article contain original research and a critical analysis that enriches or challenges existing knowledge in this subject area?
- Is the paper well written in terms of its organization, the adequacy of the conclusion,syntax and style?
- Is the theme or subject well reasoned? Are concepts clearly defined? Is good use made of existing literature?
- Manuscripts submitted to the Canadian Social Work Review should not be under consideration by any other publication.
- Your manuscript should be between 4,500 and 6,000 words
- Include a cover sheet with identifying information and word count of text, excluding references (the author’s name should not appear in the body of the manuscript)
- Include an abstract that does not exceed 200 words
- Use APA format for references.
François Boudreau, Francophone Editor
École de service social – Université Laurentienne
Maurice Poon, Anglophone Editor
School of Social Work – York University
Lise Larocque, Managing Editor
Gus Hill
Faculty of Social Work – Wilfrid Laurier University
Wendy Hulko
School of Social Work and Human Service – Thompson Rivers University
Léna Diamé Ndiaye
École de service social – Université Saint-Boniface
Émilie Raymond
École de travail social et de criminologie - Université Laval
Merlinda Weinberg
School of Social Work – Dalhousie University