Diversité urbaine

Managing editor(s): Deirdre Meintel (Directrice)

Journal preceded by Les Cahiers du Gres



First published in 2000, Diversité Urbaine, previously known as Les Cahiers du Gres (volumes 1 to 6), focuses on new cultural modes, on ethnicity, on ethnic relations, on immigration in addition to social dynamics in Quebec and abroad. This journal wishes to be a multidisciplinary place of publication, for researchers whose work mostly inscribes itself in an empirical approach. Papers, in French or English, can take the form of articles or research notes.

Guidelines for Authors

Call for Papers





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Editorial board


Deirdre Meintel


Josiane Le Gall et Géraldine Mossière

Assistant Editor

Marie-Jeanne Blain

Assistant to the Editors

Fabien Maillé-Paulin

Scientific Coordinator

Josefina Rossell