Économie et Solidarités

Managing editor(s): Jacques L. Boucher / Editor(s): Jacques L. Boucher



Économies et Solidarités is the journal of the Canadian Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Information on Community Entreprises (CIRIEC-Canada). It was first published in 1967 under the name Revue du CIRIEC and became Coopératives et développement in 1985. Since then, its scope has widened and the journal became Économies et Solidarités in 1996 in order to better reflect its fields of interest. The journal is thus dedicated to the social and public economy, to their role as agents of economic development, to their management and to the sectors in which they are involved – in Québec and in Canada as well as elsewhere around the globe. The journal is intended for professors, researchers, students and practitioners interested in the social and public economy, their initiatives and their development.

Guidelines for Authors


Journal's Site


Contact the journal

    Email: revue.ciriec@uqo.ca

    Phone: (819) 595-3900 ext. 2383

Open Access

The journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (6 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.