
Managing editor(s): Elisabeth Tutschek



Eurostudia: Transatlantic Journal for European Studies is an electronic and trilingual (French, English, and German) peer-reviewed journal whose first issue was published in June 2005. Its principal objective is to shed better light on the history, the specificities, and the key challenges of the discourse on “Europe”. The journal aims more specifically toward a systematic comparison of empirical analyses relating to the political, legal, and economic integration of Europe, on the one hand, with a basic reflection upon the cultural stakes (in a broad sense) of “Europe”, on the other. Consequently, it is addressed to and addresses at once analytical researchers, within the framework of social sciences, and the various aspects of European integration, as well as research specialists, in the framework of human sciences, and the discourse on the cultural identity of Europe, Europeanity, etc.

Guidelines for Authors


Journal's Site

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Designer: Amélie Touchet

Graphics: Anik Bergeron

For any graphic questions, do not hesitate to write to: anikdg @

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (14 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.