Cahiers d'histoire
Editor(s): Jean-Christophe Cusson (Corédacteur en chef), Rosalie Grimard-Mongrain (Corédactrice en chef)
The biennial journal Les Cahiers d'histoire was founded in 1981 at the Department of History of the Université de Montréal. It is managed by a team of graduate students from this same department. The Cahiers d'histoire is a peer-reviewed journal. The main language of publication is French, but texts in English are also published.
The diffusion of scientific articles is the journal's primary vocation, and has been from its beginnings. Its main mission is to provide a publishing experience for young researchers in a respected and accessible academic journal which is made available to burgeoning academics. Graduate students in history therefore have an accessible opportunity to share their research results. Historians of antiquity, medievalists, modernists, contemporaneists and archaeologists hold a majority of the published articles, but scholars and researchers trained in other disciplines relating to the human sciences (sociology, art history , political science, etc.) have also contributed in the past three decades.
Each year, the journal publishes a thematic issue directed by a graduate student in collaboration with a professor from the Department of History at the Université de Montréal. It also publishes the conference proceedings of the annual international colloquium of the Association des étudiants diplômés en histoire of the University of Montreal (AEDDHUM). The two annual publications are accompanied by numerous reviews of scientific works.
Les Cahiers d'histoire receives the financial support from the Department of History of the Université de Montréal and is distributed, amongst other places, in Québec, Canada, the United States and France.
Contact Information
A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.
Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.
Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:
Print version subscription:
Every subscription to a printed version is made on an annual basis (a volume comprising two issues).
Visit the Subscriptions section of our website for more information:
Back issues (13 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Submit an article or review
Each year, Les Cahiers d'histoire sends out a call for papers for a thematic issue which contains the submission instructions (deadline, format). It is then possible to submit a proposal for the number that will be evaluated by a committee for acceptation or refusal.
Publication of the conference proceedings of the AÉDDUM's annual and international colloquium proceeds in a similar way, but is limited to panelists and lecturers present at the yearly event. Participants are contacted after the event by the organising committee and are then given instructions for submission. The executive committee also evaluates all proposals.
The Cahiers d'histoire do not accept articles outside these two publication opportunities.
For more information about submission of an article, please write to:
The Cahiers d'histoire are always looking for collaborators to list books. It is possible to propose a book to the journal at the following address: The journal will contact the publishing house to obtain the book in exchange for the upcoming review. It is also possible to follow the Facebook page of the journal ("Les Cahiers d'histoire") to know which books are sent out to us periodically and are available for a review. The Cahiers d'histoire wish to publish reviews of scientific works published in the two years preceding the issue containing the review. Consequently, the works must be very recent at the time of acquisition.
Evaluation of the articles
Each article is subjected to a double-blind evaluation by an academic, usually external to the journal, who is familiar with the subject matter in question. In addition to the usual verification for plagiarism, the evaluator is required to submit a detailed report to the directing committee, including a general comment, specific remarks on the various elements of a scientific article in history, and a reference recommendation (publication as such / publication with minor amendments / publication with major modifications / refusal of the article). Unless the article is rejected, the executive committee transmits the anonymous report to the author, who must make the requested changes.
The evaluation of reviews is done internally, but is subject to the same scientific criteria and rigor as the articles.
Instructions to authors for editing articles and reviews
Authors are required to comply with the formatting guidelines of the journal available at: http://
Policy on Copyright and Publication Rights
The intellectual property and copyrights (©) on the original content of all articles and reviews belong to their authors.
However, the marketing and subscription management of the digital versions of the publications of the journal Les Cahiers d'histoire are reserved for the Érudit platform for a period of twelve (12) months. The publications are then freely accessible. The author cannot archive his/her article in an institutional repository, even after the end of the 12-month reservation period.
At all times, the reference of first publication of an article or a review must be given. It must include the names of all the authors, the title of the article, the mention of the journal Les Cahiers d'histoire, the volume and number of the publication and the date of publication.
Anti-Plagiarism Politicy
Les Cahiers d'histoire is particularly attentive to the protection of copyright and the originality of the works it publishes. The journal refuses any form of plagiarism (defined, in its broad form, as the appropriation of the ideas of others without citing the source), as well as self-plagiarism to ensure the originality of its content. Authors must consult the "Guidelines for authors" link on this page and on the website of The Cahiers d'histoire.
Prior to publication, an author who has been found to be in fault for what is considered minor plagiarism will be obliged to correct the offense. An author who plagiarizes significantly will have his or her publication refused by the journal and will not be able to resubmit any future publication to the journal.
If the plagiarism is discovered after publication, an editorial note to this effect will be inserted at the beginning of the next issue in the interest of transparency and the author cannot resubmit the publication to the journal. In the case of a reprint, the plagiarized text will be removed. The plagiarized text will also be removed immediately from the online scholarly platform Érudit.
Editorial board
Administrative Team
The administration and daily operations of the Cahiers d'histoire are provided by:
Co-editors in Chief
Catherine Paulin
Vincent Houle
Book Reviews
Stéphanie Briaud
Language Editor
Catherine Tourangeau
Yanick Turcotte
Format Editors
Laëtitia Deudon
Jonathan Castex
Graphic Artist
Adeline Golliet
Francis Langevin
Editorial board of the last thematic issue:
David Meren (Associate Professor - Department of History, Université de Montréal)
Anaïs Hélie-Martel (Masters in History - Université de Montréal)
Co-editors in Chief
Florence Prévost-Grégoire (Doctoral Candidate - University College Dublin)
Magalie Fournier-Plouffe (Masters in History - Université de Montréal)
Editorial board of the next issue:
Michèle Dagenais (Full Professor - Department of History, Université de Montréal)
Catherine Paulin (PhD Candidate - Université de Montréal)
Co-editors in Chief
Catherine Paulin (PhD Candidate - Université de Montréal)
Vincent Houle (PhD Candidate - Université de Montréal and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne