24 images

Managing editor(s): Philippe Gajan (Directeur) / Editor(s): Bruno Dequen (Rédacteur en chef)


24 images : Beyond trends and fleeting fashions, 24 images presents a critical look at what animates and transforms filmmaking around the world, paying particular attention to Quebec cinematography. This journal aims toward reflection and publishes special reports, indepth articles, columns, reviews, round tables and interviews with local and international filmmakers.



- Journal's Site: http://www.revue24images.com/

- Email Adress: info@revue24images.com

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Back issues (144 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics



Editorial board


Philippe Gajan : philippegajan@revue24images.com

Rédacteur en chef

Bruno Dequen : bdequen@gmail.com