Revue internationale P.M.E.

Managing editor(s): Josée St-Pierre (Directrice) / Editor(s): Josée St-Pierre (Rédactrice en chef)



Revue internationale PME aims to promote research on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurship in French. This is achieved by publishing empirical, conceptual and methodological articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. To meet the journal requirements, the journal welcomes any empirical article that contributes to the validation, extension or elaboration of the theory in the fields of SMEs or entrepreneurship. As far as methodology is concerned, all empirical methods can be accepted: quantitative, qualitative, field, experimental, meta-analytical and multi-method studies. In addition to its scientific contribution, the article should also include managerial spin-offs for practitioners. As for conceptual articles, they must advance the theory in the fields of SMEs or entrepreneurship. This can be done by developing a new theory, by confronting or clarifying existing theories, synthesizing recent advances and new ideas for renewing the theory and initiating theoretical research by identifying and delimiting a new managerial or Entrepreneurial problem. Finally, methodological articles should also include a theoretical or empirical contribution, for example by developing a new method or a new measure relevant to research and practice in SMEs and entrepreneurship.


  • Repère
  • International Congress of Small Business
  • Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory


Journal's Site

To contact the journal

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Pavillon Desjardins-Hydro-Québec
3351, boulevard des Forges, C.P. 500
Trois-Rivières (Québec) Canada  G9A 5H7

Cynthia Scott
Secrétaire de rédaction
Téléphone: 819-376-5235



A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:

Téléphone: 819-376-5235

Print version subscription:

The annual subscription to Revue internationale PME is available directly from the publishing house (EMS) or through the Association Internationale de Recherche en Entrepreneuriat et PME (AIREPME). In the latter case, the AIREPME subscription automatically gives you access to the journal.

Subscription directly to EMS Publisher

Please go to the following link: Under the heading "Journals", select Revue internationale PME in order to fill out the subscription form which you will find in the "Tarifs et abonnement" section.

Subscription to Association internationale de recherche en entrepreneuriat et PME

Please go to the following link: and select the button "Devenir membre" in the homepage menu.


Back issues (93 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics

All texts submitted to Revue internationale PME shall be original and not pending for publication in another journal or are not being evaluated in another refereed journal. Before submitting a manuscript, authors shall visit the journal's website in order to get familiar with detailed submission guidelines.

The texts must be submitted electronically at Authors using the platform for the first time, are required to create a personal account. A detailed procedure is available on the website for that purpose and, upon request, assistance will be provided. Authors of submitted articles can track its progress through the evaluation process by accessing the following  section "accueil de l’utilisateur" of the journal website.


Authors' guidelines

Style guideline


  • Between 6 000 et 12 000 words/characters (15 à 30 typed pages ), excluding references

Page format

  • A4


  • 2,5 cm on every side, and up and down


  • Use MSWord style «normal»; use of predefined MS word are not recommended/is prohibited

Title of the paper

  • Times New Roman 18, lowercase and bold
  • Justify  on the right


  • Times New Roman 12
  • Justify without indentation
  • Single line spacing

Main sections titles

  • Times New Roman 14
  • Lowercase and bold


  • Single line spacing between paragraphs
  • Double line spacing between introduction, the different main sections, and the conclusion

Cover page

  • Paper title (in French, English, and Spanish), authors' full names and contacts (affiliations, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses), appreciations, abstract and keywords in the 3 languages.


  • The abstract must not exceed 200 words, text style in italics not bold, in the three languages

Other components

  • The text should be followed by annexes and references


  • Tables should be inserted into the text (through MSWord pop-up menu);
  • Times New Roman 10 inside the table, bold for headings;
  • Left alignment for title, Times 12, bold;
  • No vertical border;
  • Left alignment for text;
  • Numeric data centered in the frame and aligned with the comma;
  • Centered table on page;
  • Legend to the left under the table, Times 10 table;
  • Avoid gray areas avoid italicized text, used only if need be.

NOTE: a coma should be used to separate decimals inside tables as well as inside the text.

Schemes, Charts, figures

  • Should be inserted at the designed place in the text and shall be numbered in a row;
  • Left alignment for titles in Times 12, bold;
  • The font size of the content should be smaller than the one of the text.


  • Times New Roman 10;
  • Limitation: We recommend authors to limit the number of footnotes by so doing their text should be more easily readable;
  • Continuous numbering.

Reference list

  • Times New Roman 12;
  • Citations in the text must appear as name, date within parentheses. These must appear after the annexes and comply fully with the standards of the following section.

Reference guidelines

These reference guidelines are inspired by American Psychological Association (APA) norms.

If there is any doubt as to the presentation of a reference which is not the subject of an example below, reference may be made to the standards issued by APA, examples of which are given at the following address: mcouture/apa/. A citation is identified in the body text by the authors' name followed by the year.

Citations must be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Citations in the text must appear as name, date of publication within brackets, eg : (Laurent, 1990). When two references or more concerned more than one work by the same author(s) published in the same year, differentiate each citation in the text by using an alphabetical character as illustrated hereafter eg: (Laurent, 1990a, Laurent, 1990 b). These letters should appear also in the reference list. When a reference carries more than three and less than six authors, all authors should appear at the first text citation and for the following appearance, only the first authors should be mentioned followed by et al.

From six authors and above, the first author's name should be followed by et al. See example: (Dupont et al., 1990).

Journal: authors list (use small caps) including first name initials, followed by the date (year of publication), paper title, journal italicized, volume, issue (in brackets and without space after volume), and pages range.


Sempé, L. (2000). Une échelle de mesure de l'appartenance aux cercles sociaux : analyse factorielle confirmatoire multiniveaux. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 15(2), 43-58.

Books: authors list (use small caps) including first name initials in small caps, followed by the date (year of publication), book title italicized, place published, publisher.


Desmet, P. et Zollinger, M. (1997). Le prix : de l'analyse conceptuelle aux méthodes de fixation. Paris, Economica.

Edited book: Edited book realised under the direction of one or more persons (called editors) shall be treated as follows:

Example :

Earl, P.E. et Kemp, S. (dir.) (1999). The Elgar companion to consumer research and economic psychology. Cheltenham, Edward Edgar Publishing.

Article in a collection/Edited book : authors list (use small caps) including first name initials in small caps, the date (year of publication), followed by editors' names which shall be preceded with «In», book title italicized, page numbers in brackets, book title italicized, place published and publisher.


Maille, V. et Siekershi, E. (2006). Comment gérer les sensations tactiles? Dans S. Rieunier (dir.), le marketing sensoriel du point de vente (p. 169-203). Paris, France, Dunod.

Unpublished work: Reference related to unpublished work, thesis, etc. should mention authors list including their first name initials, date (public defense date) and title. School affiliation and defense location should be mentioned when the document is a doctoral dissertation.

Exemples :

Ménard, J.C. (2008). Impacts de certaines pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines sur la capacité d'innovation des PME (thèse de doctorat non publiée). Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada.

Tourtoulou, A.-S. (1996). Marques nationales, marques de distributeurs et premiers prix : effets de leurs mises en avant sur les ventes et la structure concurrentielle de la catégorie de produits (thèse de doctorat en sciences de gestion, École HEC, Jouy-en-Josas). Récupéré du site de la bibliothèque de l'École basesdedonneesxerfi.

Simonson, I. (2007). Will I like a medium « pillow »? Another look at constructed and inherent preferences. Rapport n° 2007-28, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia.

Conference proceedings: Conference proceedings are treated like an article in an edited book. The following information should appear (in order) : authors list (use small caps) including first name initials in small caps, the date (year of publication), title, followed by editors' names which shall be preceded with «In», conference name italicized, volume, place published, publisher and pages.

Example :

Ngobo, P.V. (1998). Les relations non linéaires entre la satisfaction, la fidélité et les réclamations. Dans B. Saporta (dir.), Actes de la Conférence de l'Association française du Marketing (p. 145-170). Bordeaux, France.

Online document (pages WWW)

Web-related references shall enable to access easily the website source and the related document. This means providing a complete URL link for the accessed page or document.

Example :

Couture, M. (2013, mise à jour 20 septembre). Une adaptation française des normes bibliographiques de l'APA - Documents en ligne. Récupéré le 6 novembre 2013 du site de l'auteur :

Citing own work: when authors would like to refer to one or more of their papers, it is important to preserve anonymity during the evaluation process. If not possible to do so, please use inside the body text and the reference list the following formulation : (author or co-author, date), or (author, 1996). A reference list will be adjusted once the paper will be accepted.

Some typographical rules

Titles (of books, movies) should be italicized.

Foreign language words (English, Latin, etc.) should be italicized (and not within quotes)

Used « etc. » or « … » but not  « etc. ».

The centuries are written in Roman numerals.



The Editor-in-Chief or his deputy first evaluates the texts submitted. Texts evaluated as "relevant" and falling in line with the journal's mission will be going through a double-blind arbitration process with three evaluators. In order to protect the confidentiality of the process, authors should respect the anonymity of their text and not disclose information that may enable any one to identify them.

In an effort to protect the French language and considering its mission, Revue internationale PME invites authors to avoid the use of English words for terms with accepted and well known equivalent in French.


Anti-plagiarism policy 

Anyone who submits a paper to RIPME is presumed having knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Association internationale de recherche en entrepreneuriat et PME (AIREPME) and strictly followed the principles and rules contained therein. This code can be consulted on the website of the journal (Code d'éthique et de déontologie)  or on the AIREPME website ( Among other things, the author acknowledges that he did not plagiarize, which means, he did not use someone else's work (words, ideas, results, etc.), regardless of the language in which the reference document is written, without attributing to it authorship. An integral quote must also be enclosed in quotation marks and the author must indicate the page where it appears in the document from which it is drawn.

The researcher also recognizes that the fundamental contribution of his manuscript (essentially the same results or ideas) has not already been published elsewhere in French or in another language. In general, he acknowledges not having re-used words or ideas contained in a document of which he is the author or co-author, without any indication of the source, which would then constitute self-plagiarism.

A similarity detection platform, named Compilatio, is used to verify the absence of plagiarism or the original character of the texts submitted to the RIPME. Without limiting itself strictly to a given percentage, the editor responsible for the submission will pay particular attention to papers having at least 3% similarities with other texts (excluding the list of references), in particular to ensure that the relevant passages do not appear in the text. He will then determine whether plagiarism or self-plagiarism is involved (plagiarism being considered more serious) and whether the original documents refer to published texts (e.g. articles published in a journal) or unpublished (e.g. papers, working papers, theses), the latter not being a problem if they are from the author himself. Finally, the quantitative dimension (if the passages in dispute are numerous) and the qualitative dimension (the said passages relate to important or secondary elements?) are taken into consideration.

Depending on the seriousness of the offense, the editor-in-chief may immediately proceed with a desk reject, request explanations from the author, require changes to the text or, in the worst case, refer the case to the AIREPME’s Ethics Committee which, after a thorough examination, may impose sanctions, including the prohibition to submit a text to RIPME for a more or less prolonged period. If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected only while revising the text, the same sanctions may be applied and the vigilant evaluator will be informed of the decision taken by the Ethics Committee without mentioning the name of the person suspected of misconduct, all in accordance with the procedure described in AIREPME's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. If the misconduct is discovered only after the article has been published, the Ethics Committee will be seized of the case and sanctions will be applied, in addition to an official retraction by the editor-in-chief.



The authors who publish in this journal abide by the following terms:

After acceptance of their text for publication, the authors shall assign, in writing and for free of charge, to Revue internationale PME, all their rights, titles, and interests as well as ownership of the above-mentioned text. This transfer shall also include the right to assign such copyright as well as the right to contract any renewal, republication, and extension of any such rights in any country where the protection of such rights is recognized and enforceable.

This transfer is valid for the duration of the legal protection, from the date of the signature of the official form of transfer of copyright.

The authors certify that the text referred to is the fruit of their own work and it has never been published.

The authors can archive a version of their article in an institutional repository in accordance with the rules set forth in the Article Submission Policy issued by the publishing house EMS, Editions Management et Société.

The long-term archiving of Revue internationale PME is carried out by Portico.


Editorial board


Josée St-Pierre, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Camille Carrier, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Consulting Editors

Pierre-André Julien, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Michel Marchesnay, Université de Montpellier 1, France

Associate Editors

Régis Coeurderoy, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

Pierre Cossette, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Gilles Guieu, Université d'Aix-Marseille, France

Frank Janssen, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

Nadine Levratto, Université Paris X Nanterre, France

Christophe Leyronas, ESC Toulouse, France

Louis Raymond, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Sophie Reboud, ESC Dijon, France

Olivier Torres, Université de Montpellier 1, France

Thierry Verstraete, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, France

Scientific Committee

Moujib Bahri, Télé-université (TÉLUQ), Canada

Sandrine Berger-Douce, École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France

François Bergeron, Télé-université (TÉLUQ), Canada

Martine Boutary, ESC Toulouse, France

François Brouard, Carleton University, Canada

Louise Cadieux, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Jean-Marie Courrent, Université de Montpellier 1, France

Bérangère Deschamps, Université Paris 8, France

Bruno Fabi, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Nazik Fadil, École de Management de Normandie, France

François Seck Fall, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France

Louis Jacques, Filion Haute Études commerciales, Canada

Stéphane Foliard, Université Jean Monnet, France

Cécile Fonrouge, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Olivier Germain, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Olivier Giacomin, European Business School Paris, France

Gaël Gueguen, ESC Toulouse, France

Bernard Guesnier, Université de Poitiers, France

Martine Hlady-Rispal, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, France

Christian Le Bas, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France

Catherine Léger-Jarniou, Université Paris-Dauphine, France

Edmilson Lima, Université Nove de Julho, Brésil

Marie Marchand, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Karim Messeghem, Université de Montpellier 1, France

Marie-Christine Monnoyer, Université Toulouse 1, France

Gilles Paché, Aix-Marseille Université, France

Christophe Schmitt, Université de Lorraine, France

Anne Stevenot, Université de Lorraine, France

Étienne St-Jean, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Azzedine Tounés, INSEEC Business School, France

Maripier Tremblay, Université Laval, Canada

Michel Trépanier INRS-Urbanisation Culture Société, Canada

Sylvestre Uwizeyemungu, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Didier Van Caillie, Université de Liège, Belgique