Journal of the Canadian Historical Association Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Managing editor(s): Meghan Lundrigan (Managing Editor), Jacqueline Holler (co-editor), Jarvis Brownlie (co-editor), Béatrice Richard (co-editor) / Editor(s): Ian Wereley (Editorial Assistant)

Journal preceded by Report of the Annual Meeting



Founded in 1922 as the Report of the Annual Meeting (from 1966-1989 under the title Historical Papers) the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada publishes papers in any field that opens up new avenues of historical enquiry, explores a subject previously treated in a fresh and promising fashion, and/or employs a method or approach of interest to historians working outside the narrow specialization of the paper in question.

Many of the submissions come from university-based historians, but government and private sector historians and independent scholars are also encouraged to participate. The Journal is particularly committed to encouraging the work of young scholars.



  • Canadian Periodical Index
  • Abstracted in Historical Abstracts
  • America: History and Life


Journal's Site

Contact the journal

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  • Phone: (613) 233-7885


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  • Phone: (613) 233-7885

Print version subscription:

  • The subscription to the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association is included in a membership with the Canadian Historical Association. You can join the CHA by filling out the membership form online at

  • For more information on the JCHA or the CHA, please contact the CHA office at or at (613) 233-7885

Back issues (40 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Editorial Policy

The editorial policy of the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association (JCHA) is to publish the best papers presented to the Editorial Board for consideration, in any field of history and in either official language. The Board seeks innovative contributions that open new avenues of research, place a familiar subject in a new perspective or use innovative methodology or theory that could interest those engaged in historical and interdisciplinary research.

The JCHA appears twice a year. The first issue is a print and online issue. The second is published on the Internet only and is devoted especially to thematic topics, transnational histories, and historiographical topics. A refereed journal, the JCHA publishes work by academic and independent scholars as well as by historians working in the public service or the private sector.

Editorial board

Editorial Team


Benoît Grenier
Université de Sherbrooke

Carolyn Podruchny
York University

Rhonda Semple
St. Francis Xavier University

Managing Editor
Emmanuel Hogg

Editorial Assistant
Jane Freeland

Editorial Board

Sofie Lachapelle, University of Guelph
David Ownby, Université de Montréal
Jeff Webb, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Magda Fahrni, Université du Québec à Montréal
Matthew Hayday, University of Guelph
Michel Hogue, Carleton University
Francine Michaud, University of Calgary

Lisa Chilton, University of Prince Edward Island
Steve Penfold, Unitversity of Toronto
Guy Thompson, University of Alberta

Editorial Team


Benoît Grenier
Université de Sherbrooke

Carolyn Podruchny
York University

Rhonda Semple
St. Francis Xavier University

Managing Editor
Emmanuel Hogg

Editorial Assistant
Jane Freeland

Editorial Board

Sofie Lachapelle, University of Guelph
David Ownby, Université de Montréal
Jeff Webb, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Magda Fahrni, Université du Québec à Montréal
Matthew Hayday, University of Guelph
Michel Hogue, Carleton University
Francine Michaud, University of Calgary

Lisa Chilton, University of Prince Edward Island
Steve Penfold, Unitversity of Toronto
Guy Thompson, University of Alberta