Les Cahiers de lecture de L'Action nationale

Managing editor(s): Robert Laplante (Directeur)


First published in 1917 under the title Action nationale, the journal Les Cahiers de lecture de l’Action nationale is the whereabouts of all debates of the Ligue d’action nationale. Directing the discussions around three main subjects such as culture, politic as well as society and economic, Les Cahiers de lecture de l’Action nationale puts forward different perspectives and aspirations of Quebec’s nation as a French-speaking collectivity. News are studied following a heritage of critical thinking, independence and commitment to review and to think fundamental issues of our collective future.


-Web Site : http://www.action-nationale.qc.ca/

-Email : revue@action-nationale.qc.ca

-Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LAction-nationale-1596618580608695/

-Twitter : https://twitter.com/actionnationale

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Email : erudit-abonnements@umontreal.ca

Phone : (514) 343-6111 ext. 5500

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Individual Subscriptions - Print version


Back issues (22 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Québec's Essays

The Cahiers de lecture are interested in all original essays published in Québec and in French-language. This is why collective works gathering articles of several authors and reprints are rarely evaluated.

Editorial board


Robert Laplante

Assitant Editor

Sylvain Deschênes