Lien social et Politiques

Managing editor(s): Xavier Leloup (directeur), Isabelle Mallon (codirectrice)

Journal preceded by International Review of Community Development


Presentation and indexing  

Lien social et Politiques is a French-language, international, and multidisciplinary journal devoted to an examination of the social bond, of social issues, and public policy. The journal is peer-reviewed and published bi-annually. Since 2015, Lien social et Politiques has been accessible for free on the Érudit platform. It is also indexed in Academia, AERES, Base, Google Scholar, Journal TOCS, ProQuest Social Science Journals, Primo Central, ProQuest Sociology and Repère. The long-lasting archiving of Lien social et Politiques is provided by Portico

The main purpose of the journal is to examine social phenomena from the perspective of individuals and their social practices, as well as institutional regulations and actions. It focuses on inquiries related to the social bond and social policies, based on empirical observation and the experiences of those they affect. By putting societal issues into perspective and opening them up for debate, the journal acts as a tool for analyzing and comparing the major contemporary issues surrounding social policy.


Our website


Our contact information

Lien social et Politiques
Institut National de Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre
385, Sherbrooke St. East
Montreal (Quebec)
Canada H2X 1E3

Telephone: (514) 499-4000 poste 8303
Fax: (514) 499-4065


Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (50 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Anti-plagiarism policy 

The journal Lien social et Politiques publishes original articles and does not tolerate plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. The journal has maintained a high standard of quality in its publications since it was created more than 30 years ago. It recognizes that the editorial context has evolved with the development of electronic publishing and the appearance of predatory journals but is remains committed to maintaining its high quality standards and guaranteeing the original and exclusive nature of the articles it publishes.

By plagiarism, the journal means any unauthorized reproduction of another’s work without explicitly citing the source and its author. This definition applies to text, tables, photographs, images, or any other element included in an article.

Self-plagiarism is considered plagiarism because it is not in keeping with the journal’s character of originality. By self-plagiarism, the journal means any full or partial (20% of the text submitted to the journal) re-use of a text published by the author in another journal, publication, or book chapter. Self-plagiarism excludes the online publishing of research papers, working papers, or seminar or conference presentations that undergo additional work by the author in order to be published in their definitive form by the journal.


Anti-plagiarism measures

When plagiarism is suspected and the source cannot be found, the journal Lien social et Politiques will submit the offending text to an anti-plagiarism software.

If the text is less than 20% similar to a previously published text, the author(s) will be contacted to provide an explanation and edits will be required so that the text complies with the journal’s policies.

If the 20% similarity threshold is passed, the text will be automatically rejected and a notice of refusal will be sent to the author(s).

These standards apply to all stages of publishing. If plagiarism is found after an article is published, the article will be retracted and a note to that effect will be posted on our website.

Submission and assessment policy

The journal only publishes previously unpublished texts. Authors are required to notify the editor of any other publication project that may be underway. Subject to exception (and on the express invitation of the issue's managing editor), previously published manuscripts will not be accepted.

By publishing in Lien social et Politiques, authors yield the rights to their article in order to honour the open access publishing agreement between the INRS, the journal's publisher, and Érudit, its digital distributor. The author must fill out, sign, and scan the copyright transfer form below and email it to


Why must authors yield their rights?

First, because Lien social et Politiques must guarantee that it holds them, enabling Érudit, our digital distributor, to use the articles on its platform. Yielding rights to the journal also allows for the use of article excerpts when the issue is disseminated through social media (the LSP and INRS websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). For six months from the issue's publication date, a very active dissemination campaign is carried out, largely based on the content of articles we wish to highlight. The author is thus always cited when these excerpts are used, since we then provide a link to the article on our website or the Érudit platform. Finally, yielding copyright to the Lien social et Politiques journal also allows it to benefit from licence fees (minimal, but important) from Copibec for the reproduction of articles when, for example, they are used by professors when they teach.

The journal does not charge authors any article submission or processing fees, and consequently, does not have an exemption policy in place in that respect.

The assessment process for articles selected following a call for papers consists in a blind peer review. Only texts considered of a high enough quality are sent to two anonymous, external experts (the peers), and assessed according to an evaluation grid (see Directives aux évaluateurs). The editorial board makes the final decision concerning the articles to be published. These assessment practices are compliant with North American scientific journal standards. The journal's editorial policies and practices contribute to attracting original and high quality contributions.

All of the guidelines relevant to our authors can be found within these following documents: 

Open access policy

Since 2015, Lien social et Politiques has been available in open access. All of the journal's articles are provided online free of charge via the Érudit platform, "enabling anyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of these articles [...], without any financial barriers"*, provided that only the version of the articles published on the journal's website or the Érudit platform is used.

As stated in the copyright transfer agreement, the authors are allowed to self-archive their articles, and make their article available in an institutional repository, in its official published version (or "Reprint Version").

We strongly suggest that authors and readers who wish to recommend one of the journal's articles to other people direct them to the journal's website or the Érudit platform, rather than distribute PDFs of the articles themselves.


Why is it preferable to use our website or the Érudit platform?

Because these sites allow us to gather valuable browsing statistics, the main tools used to demonstrate the relevance of the journal when the editorial board periodically needs to submit grant applications to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Fonds de recherche du Québec. If accessing issues of the Lien social et Politiques journal (more than 1000 articles), is now available to everyone free of charge, it's solely because the journal relies on government grants.


Editorial board


Xavier Leloup, Director

Claude Martin, Codirector

International editorial board

  • Amélie Bernier, TELUQ, Montreal
  • Carole Clavier, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Renaud Crespin, Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe, CNRS/Université de Rennes 1/IEP Rennes/EHESP
  • Pascale Dietrich, INED and M. Halbwachs Centre, CNRS/EHESS/ENS
  • Pascale Dufour, Université de Montréal
  • Nicolas Duvoux, Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux, CNRS/Université Paris Descartes
  • Stéphanie Gaudet, Université d’Ottawa
  • Louis Jacob, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Francis Kessler, Université de Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne
  • Blanche Le Bihan, Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe, CNRS/Université Rennes 1/IEP Rennes/EHESP
  • Sylvain Lefèvre, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Xavier Leloup, INRS Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre, Montreal 
  • Isabelle Mallon, Université de Lyon 2
  • Claude Martin, Centre for Research on Political Action in Europe, CNRS/Université Rennes 1/IEP Rennes/EHESP, "Social Care: Lien social et Santé" Chair, EHESP
  • Mireille Paquet, Université Concordia, Montreal
  • Cécile Van de Velde, Université de Montréal, Montreal


Production team

Catherine Métayer, Editorial Assistant, INRS

INRS, Publisher

Érudit, Digital Distributor