Material Culture Review
Revue de la culture matérielle
Managing editor(s): Richard MacKinnon / Editor(s): Richard MacKinnon
Material Culture Review/Revue de la culture matérielle (MCR/RCM) is Canada's only scholarly journal dedicated to the study of material culture. MCR/RCM provides a venue for refereed articles and research reports encompassing a range of approaches to interpreting culture and history through an analysis of people's relationships to their material world. In addition to peer-reviewed articles and research reports, MCR/RCM publishes other high quality academic work including research notes, exhibition reviews, book reviews and book review essays.
Material Culture Review/Revue de la culture matérielle invites submissions of new research on material culture and its related topics from the fields of cultural history, public history, art history, cultural geography, folklore and/or ethnology, archaeology, anthropology, architecture, and museum, conservation and heritage studies. The editors encourage submissions from scholars at any phase of their career, curators and professionals from the museum and heritage world, and from independent scholars with an interest in material culture. Papers may be submitted in English or French languages.
MCR is published twice annually by Cape Breton University Press in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Dr. Richard MacKinnon
Material Culture Review/Revue de la culture matérielle
Cape Breton University
P.O. Box 5300
1250 Grand Lake Road
Sydney, NS, B1P 6L2
Tel: 902.563.1980 | Email:
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Select hardcopy back issues are available. Please enquire for availability and price.
Cheques or money orders should be made payable to Cape Breton University. Credit card orders can be placed. Subscriptions and related correspondence should be addressed to:
Material Culture Review/Revue de la culture matérielle
Cape Breton University
P.O. Box 5300
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 6L2 | 902 563 1990.
Back issues (11 issues)
Editorial policy and ethics
Works submitted will be categorized as:
- article (roughly speaking, 20-30 double-spaced pages, including endnotes)
- research report (10-20 pages, including endnotes)
- exhibit reviews (10-15 pages, including endnotes)
- research note (5-10 pages)
- book reviews (notes and comments less than 5 pages)
Both articles and research reports are peer-reviewed. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor-in-chief following the journal's style guide (see below for .pdf download) for anonymous evaluation, generally by two referees. To ensure anonymity, any identifying information from the paper must be removed. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce material from copyrighted works, including illustrations.
Please note that in many situations, French language submissions will not be able to follow the journal's style guide. The French language copy editor will work with francophone authors to ensure stylistic and grammatical clarity.
>> Download Author Style Guide(PDF)
MCR/RCM Copyright Policy
No part of works published by Cape Breton University Press may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or retention on any information storage retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Responsibility for the research and the permissions obtained for this publication rests with the authors.
Editorial board
Editorial Board
Richard MacKinnon
Cape Breton University
Associate Editor
Yves Bergeron
Université du Québec à Montréal
French Language Review Editor
Nathalie Hamel
Université Laval
Exhibition Review Editor
English Language Review Editor
Meghann Jack
Independent Researcher