Mesure et évaluation en éducation

Managing editor(s): Eric Dionne (Directeur)



The Mesure et évaluation en éducation journal is a communication and exchange instrument intended for individuals interested in measurement, assessment and evaluation in education from a variety of perspectives, and who wish to be informed of the latest research and reflections on this topic. In the journal, researchers, practitioners and individuals who chose measurement, assessment and evaluation as a specialized field of study or area for reflection share their ideas, opinions and work results for the benefit of their colleagues and other education stakeholders.

Texts published in the journal are divided in two categories: articles and critical reviews. Texts from the first category are submitted to evaluators for review. Articles may come in various forms: (a) theoretical analyses or reflections, book reviews, literature reviews or “meta-analyses”; (b) didactic texts, for example on a concept or method in measurement, assessment and evaluation; (c) experimental work (creation, adaptation, validation) reviews or research on measurement, assessment and evaluation practices. Texts from the second category, although not submitted to evaluators, must still go through a review process. Texts from this category might be critical reviews of books, software, instruments or any other type of production related to measurement, assessment and evaluation.

The journal is listed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) with an INT-2 (International 2) rank. This category includes international publications with “significant visibility.” The journal is also recognized by the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres, SHS list)





General aggregators (Google Scholar, Repère, etc.)




Eric Dionne, Ph.D

Administration and client relationship officer

Salomon Fotsing

Mailing address

Faculty of Medecine, Centre d'appui pédagogique en santé pour la francophonie (CAPSAF)

451, chemin Smyth (local 2045)

Ottawa (Ontario) 

K1H 8M5

Members of the Association pour le développement des méthodologies d’évaluation en éducation (ADMEE-Canada ou ADMEE-Europe) receive the journal as part of their subscription. To join one of the associations or to notify us of a change of address, please contact the administration of the relevant association: ADMEE-Canada: or ADMEE-Europe


Individuals and institutions who wish to subscribe to the journal may do so in one of the following ways:

(1) Institutional subscription (paper format): 62$ + postage and handling costs (8$ if shipped to Canada or 17$ if shipped internationally)

(2) Individual subscription (paper or digital format): 45$ + postage and handling costs (8$ if shipped to Canada or 17$ if shipped internationally)

For these subscriptions, please contact Jennifer Smith, at the following address:

(3) Institutional subscription (digital format): 104$.

For this subscription, please contact Érudit at the following address:

Purchase of specific issues

Individuals who wish to obtain a specific issue of the journal may do so by contacting Jennifer Smith, at the following address: 

—Current issue: 20$ + postage and handling costs (3$ if shipped to Canada or 6$ if shipped internationally)

—Previous issues: 15$ + postage and handling costs (3$ if shipped to Canada or 6$ if shipped internationally)

Back issues (32 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

Text submission and review process

Texts are submitted for review by three experts acting as evaluators, based on the blind peer review principle. Anonymity of both the authors and evaluators is guaranteed. Feedback and comments are provided to authors anonymously.

Texts must be submitted in a word processor format compatible with WORD and must be double-spaced, with a Times New Roman font, 12 points, with page dimensions of 21.5 x 28.5 cm or 21.0 x 29.5 cm, and with no more than 50,000 characters excluding spaces or 8500 words including notes and references.

The first page of the text must contain the title and a French and English summary (100 to 150 words each) preceded by keywords (also in French and English) that can serve as descriptors. Notes can be added (with moderation) at the end of the text. Figures, graphics, formulas or diagrams (created with software other than WORD) must be sent to us in a modifiable high definition PDF format that includes fonts and images. As for pictures and images, they must have a 300 dpi (dots per inch) resolution, be the same size as they appear in the publication and saved under a .JPG format (quality: high). All of these graphical elements must be provided in a separate file from the Word document. Authors should avoid inserting screenshots or elements from websites (only 72 dpi). References must be listed following the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association’s latest version of the style guide. It is important to ensure that nothing in the text enables evaluators to identify the author(s). The submitted text must be sent to the edotir-in-chief :

Eric Dionne

NOTE: Where there may be a conflict of interest, the text will be evaluated by the sister association’s editor (Canada or Europe). Authors must include the following information in their email: name, organization they belong to, address, and phone number (including fax and email, if possible). When there is more than one author, the same information is required for each one of them, in an order that will be kept for the eventual publication of the article. It is important to ensure that the submitted text has not been published elsewhere.

Once the text is accepted for publication in the Mesure et évaluation en éducation journal, authors must fill the provided form to this end. Authors will also have to surrender their rights to the journal. Authors must not publish a version of their article in an institutional repository without the consent of the journal’s editor-in-chief.


Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The Mesure et évaluation en éducation journal, as a scholarly journal, is strongly opposed to plagiarism in any form. By plagiarism, we mean the practice of not giving credit to someone else’s work. Self-plagiarism is also prohibited. Where an instance of plagiarism is confirmed, the author(s) will face the following consequences, depending on the type of offence:


- correction of the article without a warning;

- correction of the article with a warning;

- rejection of the article;

- rejection of the article with a three-year prohibition to submit texts to the journal.

Digital preservation policy

Mesure et évaluation en éducation is permanently archived on Portico.

Editorial board


Eric Dionne, Ph.D, Université d'Ottawa, Canada


Canadian editor

Jean-Sébastien Renaud, Ph.D, Université Laval, Canada


European editor

Jean-Louis Berger, Ph.D, Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle, Suisse


Members of the editoral board

Carla Barroso da Costa, Ph.D, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Sébastien Béland, Ph.D, Université de Montréal, Canada

Jimmy Bourque, Ph.D, Université de Moncton, Canada

Pascal Detroz, Ph.D, Université de Liège, Belgique

France Fontaine, Ph.D, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada

Dominique Lafontaine,Ph.D, Université de Liège, Belgique

Michel Laurier, Ph.D, Université d'Ottawa, Canada

Julie-Lyne Leroux, Ph.D, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Martin Riopel, Ph.D, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Romain Martin, Ph.D, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Lucie Mottier, Ph.D, Université de Genève, Suisse


Fiance management

Daniel Hubert, CAPSAF, Université d'Ottawa, Canada


Administration and client relationship

Jennifer Smith, CAPSAF, Université d'Ottawa, Canada


If you are an expert in the measurement, assessment and evaluation field and are interested in getting involved in the journal’s activities (evaluation, management, etc.), please contact the journal’s editor-in-chief, whose contact information appears in the Contact section.