Meta Journal des traducteurs Translators’ Journal

Managing editor(s): Georges L. Bastin (Directeur)

Journal preceded by Journal des traducteurs



Meta : Journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators' Journal, deals with all aspects of translation and interpretation: translation studies (theories of translation), teaching translation, interpretation research, stylistics, comparative terminological studies, computer-assisted translation (machine translation), documentation, etc. While aimed particularly at translators, interpreters and terminologists, the publication addresses everyone interested in language phenomena.


Institute for Scientific Information (ISI Web of Knowlwdge) : Current Contents / Arts & Humanities, Arts & Humanities Citation Index


IBZ (Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur)

IBR (Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur)


Google Scholar


MLA International Bibliography




Bibliographic Index (Active)

Linguistic Bibliography




Member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journal (CALJ)


Journal's Site

Contact the journal


Phone: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3998


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Phone: (514) 343-6933

Presses de l'Université de Montréal

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Phone: (514) 343-6933

Presses de l'Université de Montréal

Back issues (203 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics

1. General

Meta publishes only original and unpublished texts, in French, English and Spanish, and exceptionally in other languages (special issues). Articles for the regular issues are freely submitted. Book reviews are sought by the journal.

Articles that are already submitted or published elsewhere, either partially, either in totality, are systematically rejected. Plagiarism is not tolerated and the rejection of the article is automatic at any stage of the process. Authors are invited to fill out the article status form, sign it and fax to 1-514-343-2284, or scan the completed form and send by e-mail to The anonymous peer reviewed process will only start upon receipt of the form (see the Downloading section below).

Manuscripts are submitted by e-mail to, in Word (.doc) format. A PDF version of the document reflecting layout suggestions and possible font issues is also required (e.g. when special characters are used). 

Articles submitted to Meta as well as book reviews must be carefuly formatted. Unformatted articles will not be considered. The authors may use the detailed stylesheet (see the Downloading section below) to install the Meta styles in their Word software.

Reproduction rights are held by the Presses de l'Université de Montréal (PUM). The authorization request should be sent to Mrs Sandra Soucy (

2. Abridged instructions for articles

2.1. Style and article heading

Authors must refer to the detailed guidelines and use the English style sheet (see Section 3. Downloading below). Use predefined styles for formatting, but number section headers and end notes manually (do not use the Word automatic header numbering or endnote functions). 

a) Document format is LetterUS. Use Times New Roman 12 pt for Normal Text, 18 pt for the main title and 10 pt for special sections.

b) Include the following in the article heading, separated by line breaks: the main title (as short as possible); the name of the author(s); author affiliations and e-mail addresses.

c) Provide two 200-word abstracts, one in French, the other in English, as well as five French keywords and five English keywords. 

2.2. References in the text 

Use the following citation formats: Stanley (1995) shows that … However, according to Livingstone (1998: 45)… Different pages (Stanley 2005: 2, 4, 18) serial pages (Livingstone 2007: 12-20) may be cited. Use “and” to connect the names of dual authors: (Stanley and Livingstone 2006). Use the abbreviation et al. when there are more than two authors: (Stanley, Livingstone et al. 2004). Use a semi-colon to separate references appearing in a series: (Stanley 2004: 45; Livingstone and Stanley 2003: 567-569). Add a lowercase letter to dates for articles published by an author in the same year: (1995a; 1995b). Latin adverbs, such as ibidem, passim, apud (use cited in: instead), must be avoided. 

2.3. Quotations and examples 

Quotations and examples inserted in the text must be short. If they exceed three lines, indent the text and use Times Roman 10 pt font. 

2.4. Reference section 

The references are in Times New Roman 10 pt fonts and listed alphabetically order by the authors’ family names. Please refer to the detailed guidelines for specific cases and page formatting.

2.5. Other section 

Additional sections appear at the end of the article in the following order: acknowledgements, end notes, references, interviews and annexes, with text body in Times New Roman 10 pt. For endnote citations in the article, use manual superscript numbers following punctuation. Do not use the automatic Word endnote feature.

3. Dowloading

Documents for authors

- Stylesheet (articles) (June 4th, 2012 version)

- Status form

Stylesheet (book review)

Document for referees

- Evaluation form

Editorial board

Management team


Georges Bastin, Université de Montréal



André Clas, Université de Montréal

Sylvie Vandaele, Université de Montréal


Editorial assistants:

Eve-Marie Gendron-Pontbriand, Université de Montréal

Marc Pomerleau, Université de Montréal


Editorial board

Marie-Alice Belle, Université de Montréal

Tanja Collet, Université Windsor

Álvaro Echeverri, Université de Montréal

Patricia Godbout, Université de Sherbrooke

Meng Ji, The University of Sydney

Christopher Larkosh, University of Massachusetts, Darmouth

Anne Malena, University of Alberta

Robert Neather, Hong Kong Baptist University

Marc Van Campenhoudt, ISTI

Scientific committee

Claudia V. Angelelli, San Diego State University

Christian Balliu, Haute École de Bruxelles

Jeanne Dancette, Université de Montréal

Jorge Díaz-Cintas, Imperial College London

Jean-Claude Gémar, Université de Montréal

John Humbley, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

Hannelore Lee-Jahnke, Université de Genève

Julio César Santoyo, Universidad de León

Xu Jun, Université de Nanjing

Yong Zhong, The University of New South Wales



All the articles are submitted to an anonymous peer review. Two referees are sollicited, sometimes three.

The list of the referees is published in the last issue each year.






Former directors

Meta has been founded in 1955 by brother Stanislas-Joseph (first director), Fernand Beauregard, Jean-Paul Riopel, Hélène Lanctôt et Gérard Labrosse.

1956 - 1966 : Jean-Paul Vinay

1966 - 1968 : Blake T. Hanna

1968 - June 2008 : André Clas

June - December 2008 : Sylvie Vandaele and Hélène Buzelin