Minorités linguistiques et société Linguistic Minorities and Society

Managing editor(s): Réal Allard



Given the importance attributed to linguistic duality in the definition of Canadian identity and to the challenges encountered by linguistic minorities in Canada and elsewhere, the the objective of the scientific journal Minorités linguistiques et société/Linguistic Minorities and Society  is to disseminate research results and analyses on Official Language Minority Communities in Canada, as well as on other linguistic minorities in Canada and elsewhere, from an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach in language sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. With its focus on comparative and international studies, this journal seeks to shed more light on linguistic minorities.

Language of Publication

Authors can publish in either English or French. Generally, articles will not be translated into the other official language. Article abstracts, however, will be in both languages.

Peer Review Policy

Linguistic Minorities and Society submits all manuscripts it receives to a minimum of two double-blind peer reviews.


The journal is available online on Erudit’s Website www.erudit.org. It is accessible wherever the Internet is available.

Target Audience

While presenting articles that meet scientific requirements and are intended for specialists, the journal asks authors to also make their articles accessible to a broad, well-informed readership, such as those responsible for decision-making or for measures with respect to linguistic minorities.

Types of Articles

The journal publishes various kinds of original work exploring questions relative to linguistic minorities:
1. Scientific research papers, qualitative and quantitative, presenting:
a) Unpublished research results.
b) The state of a research question based on published empirical data (e.g., a systematic review of published empirical research on a given subject).
2. Theoretical research papers.
3. Research notes and critical essays.
4. Reviews of works on linguistic minorities or of interest to them.


Call for Papers

Linguistic Minorities and Society /Minorités linguistiques et société is a scientific journal that publishes research findings on Canada’s official-language minorities as well as on other linguistic minorities in Canada. The journal, which adopts a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective in the social sciences and humanities, is open to international and comparative studies which aim to shed a more ample light on the situation of linguistic minorities in Canada and in other countries.

Researchers wishing to submit manuscripts on their research results on issues related to linguistic minorities in Canada and other countries are invited to submit their manuscripts to the journal editor
(mls-lms@umoncton.ca ). Prior to submitting their manuscript, they are invited to consult documents that can be downloaded by clicking on the journal’s Editorial Policy tab on the Erudit website.

The journal is available online (www.erudit.org) and offers open access to all journal documents: articles, abstracts, book reviews. Articles and book reviews are published in English or in French. Introductory comments to journal issues, keywords, and abstracts are published in both of Canada’s official languages. Written in French or in English, the manuscripts submitted can vary in length, but should not exceed 7000 words.

Articles published by Minorités linguistiques et société/Linguistic Minorities and Society must be unpublished and have never been the object of an earlier publication, in any medium whatsoever.



Réal Allard

Editor, Linguistic Minorities and Society


Office 506 858-4034

Mobile 506 863-9918


Stéphanie Chouinard

Assistant Professor

Royal Military College (Kingston)

Book Review Editor



Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (10 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

A. Manuscript Preparation and Submission

1. Manuscript Preparation

To ensure optimal quality of the journal, authors must respect the requirements described in this part I and in part II entitled “Style Guide for Manuscripts.”
The manuscripts must take into consideration the following elements:

•    Language quality.
•    The journal’s editorial policy.
•    An issue’s background information (for special issues)
•    The guidelines provided in the “Short Style Guide for Manuscripts.”
•    Sections appropriate to each type of research article, their equivalent, or a logical combination of said sections:

a) Scientific article with a qualitative methodology: introduction (that ends with a research question), methodology, results, discussion (regarding the results), conclusion, and references.

b) Scientific article with a quantitative methodology: introduction (that ends with a research question), conceptual framework (that ends with one or more hypotheses), methodology (subjects, instruments, result analysis conduct and methodology), results, discussion (regarding the results), conclusion, and references.

c) Theoretical investigation paper: introduction (that ends with a research question), theoretical framework, theoretical approach, theoretical development, discussion, conclusion, and references.

2. Before submitting your manuscript, please make it anonymous.

The author or the author must ensure that his manuscript is anonymous for purposes of evaluation
Linguistic Minorities and Society submits all manuscripts it receives to a minimum of two double-blind peer reviews.

Submit to Linguistic Minorities and Society 1) a title page with your contact information and 2) two copies of your manuscript: the original manuscript and the anonymized manuscript.

The title page
This page must include the title of the manuscript, the name of the authors and their affiliations, and a full address that will be used to communicate with the author by phone and e-mail.

The text of your anonymized manuscript
Make a copy of the original electronic file of your manuscript. Anonymize this copy as follows:
In the text, replace or disguise any information that would identify you.
•  Remove any mention of a grant received by yourself or your co-authors.
•  Remove notes and acknowledgments that would identify you or your co-authors.
•  Do not add headers and footers that would identify you.
•  Make sure that the figures contain no information in connection with your institution.
•  Self-quotation. Rephrase the text to remove any self-quotations you have made. For example, write "Smith and Leblanc (2009) have demonstrated …" instead of "We already demonstrated (Smith and Leblanc, 2009) … ".
•  Self-quotation. You must remove the source of the quote in your text and references. Exceptionally, keep in the text and in your references, references to your previous publications if you believe that you are not including these references may reveal your identity by omission.

The anonymized file(s)
Delete any information that would identify you, including the names of authors, the names you have given to the files and make sure that properties on PC or Mac Word documents also be anonymous.

Submission of the copies of your original and anonymized manuscripts
E-mail both copies of your manuscript (with your title page) to the journal’s director or, if your article is submitted for a special or thematic issue, to the Invited editor of this issue.
The submitted manuscript must be accompanied by a) summaries in French and English (no more than 150 words each) and (b) five key words in French and English for the indexing purposes.
When submitting the manuscript, the author or the author signs the form 'III. Commitment of the author ' and sends it to the journal’s director.

Before submitting the final version of your article
Before submitting the reviewed branch (or writing invited the thematic issue in which your article will be published) the latest version corrected after the evaluation of your article, please is reinserting the information that you have removed or modified during anonymization (see step 2 above).

B. Manuscript Assessment

All manuscripts published by the journal are subjected to a double evaluation.

1.    Evaluation for Accepting Manuscripts

First, the Editor  assesses the manuscript to determine if it is eligible or not and sends an answer to the author within two weeks (see “Evaluation Criteria for Accepting Manuscripts”).

Note: If a manuscript contains too many grammar and spelling errors, it will be returned to the authors who will be asked to have their manuscript revised by an English-language professional proof-reader (at their own expense). Authors who have not respected the guidelines provided in the “Short Style Guide for Manuscripts”, will be asked to conform to the “Short Style Guide for Manuscripts” before submitting their manuscript anew.

2.    Peer-Review Assessment of the Manuscript

Second, when manuscripts are deemed eligible by the Editor, they are then assessed by a panel of peers, which usually consists of two reviewers specialized in the field concerned by the article.

3.    After the Assessment

Editor’s responsibilities (1):
-    Prepares and sends to the authors a report regarding the peer-review results and, when necessary, requests corrections or modifications to be brought to the manuscripts.
-    Transmits these reports to the authors, with the reviewers’ assessment reports and the annotated manuscript, while ensuring that anonymity is maintained during the transfer of these documents.

Author’s responsibilities:
-    Corrects and modifies the manuscript as requested.
-    Submits the revised manuscript by email, with a letter explaining the changes made to the manuscript, and, when necessary, the reasons why modifications requested in the peer-review report were not done.

C. Text Editing

The author must revise and correct the article in light of the proof-reader’s revision.

Editorial Board and Management Rights
The editorial board and the Editor have the final word in the decision to accept or to refuse a manuscript. The Editor also reserves the right to make editorial and linguistic corrections if they are deemed necessary.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society objects to plagiarism, regardless of its form: plagiarism of the work of others or self-plagiarism.  

Plagiarism is the act of copying, in whole or in part, the work of others and passing them as one’s own work. Self-plagiarism involves copying, even in part, one’s own published work, with no reference to the original publication.  

The journal invites the members of its committees, the Invited Editors of its special issues, and those invited to review manuscripts to report any form of plagiarism or self-plagiarism. A manuscript with one or other of these forms of plagiarism may be rejected during the assessment process prior to its publication as well as following its publication.

If plagiarism is detected prior to publication, and it is less than 25% of the manuscript, the author will be invited to rewrite the manuscript and add the necessary references. If plagiarism covers more than 25% of the manuscript, the manuscript will be permanently rejected. Should plagiarism be detected after the article’s publication, the article will be removed from the issue of the magazine in which it was published.

Copyright management

When submitting his manuscript to Linguistic Minorities and Society, the author signs the form 'Commitment of the author' and sends it to the Director of the journal by fax or by mail. In this form, the author certifies that the manuscript is original, and states that it won’t be submitted elsewhere. In addition, should  the Journal accept the manuscript for publication, the author undertakes to transfer the rights to the Linguistic Minorities and Society.

No article accepted for publication by the journal can be published at a later date without the written consent of the journal’s management. Author self-archiving is only permitted for the published version (postprint) of the article and only after obtaining the written consent of the management.

Digital Preservation Policy

Linguistic Minorities and Society is permanently archived on Portico.


Documents for Authors

Style Guide for Manuscripts

Guidelines for Special or Thematic Issue Proposals

Guidelines for Special Issue Proposals

Editorial board

Editorial Board Members


Director and Associate Dean
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
Faculty of Arts
University of Ottawa

Dean and Assistant Vice-Rector of Research
Faculté des études supérieures et de la recherche
Université de Moncton

Co-Chair of Centre de recherche en éducation
Full Professor
Departement of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education
University of Toronto

Patricia LAMARRE
Full Professor
Département de didactique
Université de Montréal

Associate Professor
Department of Community Health and Epidemiology  College of Medecine
University of Saskatchewan

Lorraine O’DONNELL
Affiliate Assistant Professor
School of Community and Public Affairs
Quebec English-Speaking Community Research Network
Concordia University


Rainer Enrique HAMEL
Anthropology Department
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Iztapalapa, Mexico

Linguamón –UOC chair in Multilingualism
Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Minorités linguistiques et société/
Linguistic Minorities and Society