Revue du notariat

Managing editor(s): François Brochu (Codirecteur), Christian Saint-Georges (Codirecteur)



The Journal Revue du notariat, the oldest remaining legal journal in Canada, has been published since 1898, and comes out three times a year. It disseminates scholarly writings on legal theory, civil law and notarial practice, as well as commentaries on case law. Written by notaries, lawyers and researchers, the journal is peer-reviewed, and strikes a fair balance between theoretical and practical law.



Articles published in this journal are listed in:

  • Index to Canadian Legal Literature
  • Index Gagnon
  • Index to Canadian Legal Periodical Literature
  • Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
  • Index to Legal Periodicals & Books
  • Index Scott des périodiques Juridiques canadiens (formerly known as the Index to Canadian Legal Periodical Literature)
  • Periodicals in Canadian Law Libraries
  • Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory


Articles published in this journal are listed and available in full-text version (subject to subscription) in:

  • Notarial Library of the Chambre des notaires du Québec
  • HeinOnline
  • La Référence



Telephone: 514-879-1793, Ext. 5274

Regular mail:

Chambre des notaires du Québec

101-2045, rue Stanley

Montréal (QC) H3A 2V4


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:


Telephone: 514-879-1793, Ext. 5274

Notarial Library, Chambre des notaires du Québec

Subscription to publications of the Chambre des notaires

Telephone: 514-879-1793, Ext. 274


Information page:

Print version subscription:

Éditions Yvon Blais

75 Rue Queen, Suite 4700

Montréal (Québec)  H3C 2N6

Telephone: 1-800-363-3047, Option 1


Back issues (58 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics


I.  Evaluation and Editing Process

All texts are evaluated anonymously by two critical readers. The evaluation criteria are, in particular:

  • Interest and relevance of the subject matter for the notarial and legal community 
  • Quality of the text, both in terms of substance (strict reasoning, variety of sources) and form

The journal’s management reserves the right to reject a text, submit it for further critical reading, delay its publication, or publish it in two installments.

The selected texts are submitted for linguistic revision. Spelling errors are automatically corrected, and syntax or style corrections are conveyed to the author who can accept or reject them. In the latter case, management may decide to not accept the text in question.

The author of a published text will be sent the PDF (published format) of the article as well as a hard copy of the Revue du notariat in the first few weeks after its publication.


II.  Material Presentation

Texts must be written electronically, with a 12-point Times New Roman font in 8½ x 11 letter format, at 1.5-line spacing.  Generally speaking, the texts do not exceed 50 pages.

The author must provide a table of contents, an abstract which accompanies the academic text, and ten or so keywords for cataloguing and retrieval purposes.

Footnotes must be numbered consecutively and comply with the standards set out in the Canadian Guide to Legal Style, Queen's Law Journal, Toronto, Carswell, 2014.


III.  Exclusivity and Copyright

A submitted text is binding only upon the author, who enjoys the greatest freedom of expression.

There is no remuneration paid to a text’s author. The author retains the rights except for case law columns.

The Revue only accepts previously unpublished texts that do not overlap other publications of the Chambre des notaires, except for rare cases. The author may not, without the consent of the Chambre des notaires, request another publication for six months following the publication of that issue of the journal.

The Chamber of Notaries authorises the digital institutional repository.


IV.  Text Submission

The texts, written in either English or French, can be submitted by e-mail to this address:

Editorial board


François Brochu, notary

Christian Saint-Georges, notary


Scientific Committee:

François Brochu, LL.D., notary, full professor at the law faculty of Université Laval

François Frenette, LL.D., honorary notary, professor emeritus at the law faculty of Université Laval

Mariève Lacroix, LL.D., lawyer, associate professor at the law faculty, civil law section of the University of Ottawa

Charlaine Bouchard, LL.D., notary, full professor at the law faculty of Université Laval

Alain Roy, LL.D., notary, full professor at the law faculty of Université de Montréal

Brigitte Lefebvre, LL.D., notary, full professor at the law faculty of Université de Montréal

Martine Lachance, LL.D., notary, retired professor from Université du Québec à Montréal

Justice Nicholas Kasirer, judge at the Québec Court of Appeal

Christian Saint-Georges, LL. B., publisher

Édith Vézina, LL.D., notary, associate professor at the law faculty of Université de Sherbrooke


Revision of Notes

Louise Ouimet, research officer, Notarial Library, Chambre des notaires du Québec

France Duquette, research officer, Notarial Library, Chambre des notaires du Québec

Claudine Laflamme, research officer, Notarial Library, Chambre des notaires du Québec


Support and Quality of the Profession Department, Chambre des notaires du Québec

Sophie Lecoq, M.S.I., professional librarian, head of the Notarial Library and publications

Suzie Archambault, notary, publications