Nouvelles pratiques sociales
Managing editor(s): Audrey Gonin (Directrice), Louis Gaudreau
Founded in the fall of 1988, Nouvelles pratiques sociales focuses its interest on the field of social intervention, social work and community-based or collective social action. The journal provides a space for the publication of academic papers presenting analysis or research results in the field of social intervention and allow for the development of a better understanding of these topics. Nouvelles pratiques sociales acknowledges the importance for the development of a critical analysis of social intervention practices. Such an analysis is based on the recognition of different and varied theoretical and political perspectives and promotes democratic innovation of intervention practices that are taking place in institutional (State based) or community settings.
NPS pursues two main objectives: providing an academic analysis on social problems and intervention practices for a French speaking readership and connecting those analysis to the difficulties encountered by practitioners and activists.
NPS is a peer reviewed journal (double-blind review) that is published twice a year. It provides useful and interesting contents for professors and researchers involved in higher education, for practitioners and social workers, for students interested in the field of social intervention and for persons involved in unions, community based or volunteer organizations.
For additional information, please see our WEB site (in French).
The contents of Nouvelles pratiques sociales is indexed in : Repère, INIST (Francis), Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, Social Work Abstracts, Google (general), Google Scholar, The British Library Catalogue, UNESCO DARE, Banque de données en santé publique, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, PRISME, Canadian Periodical Index, Political Science Complete, SocINdex, International Political Science Abstracts, Synergies, World Cat, World Political Science Abstracts, Journal TOCS, Isidore, EBSCOhost Sociological source, AERES.
To get in touch with Nouvelles pratiques sociales
WEB Site :
Postal address
Revue Nouvelles pratiques sociales
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)
Case postale 8888, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P8
Phone : (514) 987-3000 (poste 4721)
Fax : (514) 987-8795
Physical address
Secrétariat de la revue Nouvelles pratiques sociales
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)
Pavillon Thérèse-Casgrain
455, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, local W-4125
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4Y2
On-line Subscriptions
Nouvelles pratiques sociales is exclusively published on-line since 2015. The journal’s contents are protected by a one-year mobile barrier. Subscriptions allow for an unlimited access to our most recent publications and a complete access to the entire collection that began in 1988. On-line subscriptions are available for a one or a two-year period and can be renewed.
To subscribe, please…
- Download, print and fill a subscrption form and mail it to…
Nouvelles pratiques sociales
École de travail social
Université du Québec à Montréal
C. P. 8888, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3C 3P8
- Join a check payable to «UQAM - Nouvelles pratiques sociales»
For question about subscriptions, please contact Nouvelles pratiques sociales, office (
Subscriptions rates*
1 Year: 20,00 $ CAN
2 Years: 30,00 $ CAN
1 Year: 10,00 $ CAN
2 Years: 15,00 $ CAN
1 Year: 20,00 $ CAN
2 Years: 30,00 $ CAN
* All applicable taxes are included.
Purchasing printed copies
Printed copies of Nouvelles pratiques sociales that were published before 2015 (Volume 27, Number 1) are still available. For information on prices and availability or to order, please contact the office (
Back issues (57 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Publication language
Nouvelles pratiques sociales publishes articles in French. On an exceptional basis and at the express request of the Editorial Board, a paper can be published in English. The journal does not provide support for translation.
How to submit a paper proposal
Nouvelles pratiques sociales is a peer reviewed journal (double-blind review) that is published twice a year. Published papers should be connected to the field of social intervention. Proposals can be submitted in response to a call for papers on a specific theme or topic of for publication in the perspective section of the journal which presents general interest papers on social intervention. The journal also publishes text that are not submitted to peer review (research notes, book reviews, experiences of practice). These texts are directly solicited and reviewed by the editorial board,
Papers related to specific themes are accepted in accordance with the deadline presents on the call for papers which is posted twice a year on Nouvelles pratiques sociales Web site and on our Facebook page. General interest papers on social intervention can be submitted at any time. (
All submitted papers must follow the paper presentation rules that are posted on our WEB site.
Submitted paper review process
The review process of all submitted papers is organized along the following steps…
- The editor-in-chief or the guest editors who are responsible for a specific call of papers examine each submission and decides if it is related to the journal’s field of interest or to the theme presented in the call of papers. At this point, a paper can be rejected because it falls outside the scope of the journal. Changes can also be suggested to the author before his or her paper is submitted to the double-blind review.
- Two reviewers, who are selected because of their specific expertise in the field covered in the text, receive an anonymized copy of the submitted paper. Reviewers must hold a teaching position (tenured) in a University. Each reviewer provides an anonymous assessment of the paper using the following criteria… a) originality and pertinence of the contribution, b) quality of the theoretical perspectives used, c) the use of a rigorous and coherent methodology, d) quality of the analysis and discussion, e) text structure, grammar and language.
- Designated members of the editorial board review the produced reviews and, using the provided recommendations, provide a definitive decision. A submission can be accepted, accepted if minor changes are made to the text, accepted providing major changes are made or a text can be rejected. A third reviewer may be asked to examine the submission if the two initial reviewers provide radically different opinions.
The final decision is transmitted to the author who is invited to provide the necessary modifications before the text is considered for final publication.
Copyright, publication license and self-archival
Intellectual propriety and copyright belong to the original author. The author must declare, in a written statement, that he or she is the original author of a submitted paper. The author must also declare that his or submission does not infringe on the rights of others. The author also gives to Nouvelles pratiques sociales the exclusive rights for the publication and distribution of the accepted paper. The author may file a preprint version of the text in an institutional archive or in self-archives.
Anti-plagiarism policies
Nouvelles pratiques sociales enforces a strict anti-plagiarism policy. Published papers must present an original contribution and respect the intellectual propriety rights of others. Plagiarism happens when an author intentionally omits to provide references and reproduce, in part or in totality, the work of others thus failing to acknowledge their contribution. In addition, the journal does not allow for acts of self-plagiarism that happen when authors, in part or in an extensive fashion, uses previously published accounts of their own work without mentioning the source in a specific and clear manner.
To guarantee that every published paper is an original work and is exempt of any form of plagiarism, Nouvelles pratiques sociales…
- Informs the author of the existence and the nature of the anti-plagiarism policy when a paper is submitted for review.
- Performs a preliminary check of all the submission before the beginning of the review process.
- Signs a contract with the author where this person states that he or she is the owner of the intellectual rights of the submitted paper and that it does not infringe on the rights of others.
- Performs an in-depth examination of every paper once it is accepted for publication.
When an act of plagiarism is detected, at every step of the publication process, Nouvelles pratiques sociales enforces the following measures…
- The journal communicates immediately with the author.
- If plagiarism is limited to a small and specific section of the text, the author must correct and write a new version of the text and indicate clearly the sources and references in conformity with the accepted and usual rules.
- If plagiarism is important (more than 20% of the contents), the paper is rejected and cannot be submitted again.
- If the plagiarism is important (more than 20% of the contents) and the text has already been published, the paper will be removed from the on-line publication. The journal reserves the right to reject any other submission from the same author.
Sustainable archiving
Nouvelles pratiques sociales applies a policy for the digital preservation of the published contents. Sustainable archives are maintained through Portico.
Editorial board
Editorial Board Executive Committee
François Huot, Université du Québec à Montréal
Audrey Gonin, Université du Québec à Montréal
Article Evaluation Coordination
Louis Gaudreau, Université du Québec à Montréal
Catherine Chesnay, Université du Québec à Montréal
Michel Parazelli, Université du Québec à Montréal
Book Reviews
Andrée-Anne Parent, Université de Montréal
Public relations
Louis Gaudreau, Université du Québec à Montréal
Annick Lenoir, Université de Sherbrooke
Editorial Board
Diane Bachand, Fondation One Drop
Pilar Barbal i Rodoreda, Action autonomie, Montréal
Thomas Berryman, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Jacques Caillouette, Université de Sherbrooke
René Charest, Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) Jeanne-Mance
Denyse Côté, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
Lise Gervais, Relais-femmes, Montréal
Sylvie Lévesque, Fédération des associations de familles monoparentales et recomposées du Québec, Montréal (FAFMRQ)
Réjean Mathieu, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)
Ina Motoi, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)
Sylvie Norris, Regroupement des organismes communautaires autonomes jeunesse du Québec (ROCAJQ)
Jacques Rhéaume, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Florence Thomas, Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ)
International Scientific Committee
Manuel Boucher, Institut de développement social de Haute Normandie en France/Association des chercheurs des organismes de la formation et de l’intervention sociale (ACOFIS)
Annamaria Colombo, Haute école fribourgeoise de travail social, Suisse
Vincenzo Cicchelli, Université de la Sorbonne (Paris, France)
Francesco Dito, Cadre de l’intervention éducative et sociale: protection de l’enfance (Paris, France)
Jean Foucart, Département social, Haute école Charleroi Europe (Charleroi, Belgique); directeur de la revue Pensée plurielle :Parole, pratiques et réflexions du social
Mejed Hamzaoui, Université libre de Bruxelles/Association internationale pour la formation, la recherche et l’intervention sociale (AIFRIS)
Saül Karsz, Philosophe, sociologue, consultant, président et conseiller scientifique du réseau Pratiques sociales (Paris, France)
Liliana Kremer, Faculté de droit et des sciences sociales, Université nationale de Cordóba (Cordóba, Argentine); directrice de projet (Mediacón Ciudadana y Educación para el Desarrollo, médiation citoyenne et éducation pour le développement) à la Fundación Plurales
Christine Mias, Université de Toulouse 2 en France ; Conseil national des universités
Sambou Ndiaye, Unité de formation et de recherche Lettres et sciences humaines, Section de sociologie, Université Gaston-Berger (Saint-Louis, Sénégal)
Editorial Board Honorary Member (founder)
Yves Vaillancourt, Université du Québec à Montréal
The journal's office is located on the premises of the École de travail social et the Université du Québec in Montréal.
Nouvelles pratiques sociales
455, boul. René-Lévesque Est
Room W-4125
Montréal (Québec), H2L 4Y2
Phone : (514) 987-3000 (ext. 4721)
Fax : (514) 987-8795
Executive Secretary
Véronique Larose