Nutrition Science en évolution
La revue de l'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec
Managing editor(s): Paule Bernier (Directrice générale intérimaire) / Editor(s): Josée De La Durantaye (Rédactrice en chef)
Nutrition Science en évolution is the official journal of the Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec (OPDQ) [Quebec Professional Order of Dietitians], the organization in charge of overseeing professional dietitians in Quebec. The journal has been published under that name since 2003; it was previously known as Diététique en action, dating back to 1987. The goal of the journal is to provide dietitians, nutritionists and health care professionals with professional development/continuing education opportunities. The journal is published three times a year in March, June and November.
The key sections are "Dossier" and the article entitled "Le Plus", both of which provide original literature reviews on nutrition-related topics of interest. "Dossier" generally consists of three or four articles dealing with the same general topic, while "Le Plus" explores a different nutrition-related topic.
The other sections are as follows:
- "Pratico-pratique": This section focuses on validated tools, methods and programs with specific applications for practitioners.
- "Reportage": This section focuses on highlights of conferences, conventions and other continuing education events relating to nutrition.
- "Veille scientifique": This section provides references to relevant nutrition-related scientific articles published in the preceding months (non-exhaustive list).
- "Chronique juridique": This legal column deals with the regulatory aspects of the profession.
Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec
550 Sherbrooke St. West, West Tower, Suite 1855
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B9
Phone: 514-393-3733
A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.
Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.
Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:
Back issues (4 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Volume 16, Number 2, Fall 2018
Construire l’avenir grâce à nos forces et nos actions -
Volume 16, Number 1, Spring 2018
Adapter notre pratique pour la prise en charge nutritionnelle du diabète -
Volume 15, Number 3, Winter 2018
Nutrition périconceptionnelle et anténatale : prévenir pour grandir en santé
Volume 16, Number 2, Fall 2018
Editorial policy and ethics
Editorial policy
Nutrition Science en évolution is a professional development tool that seeks to provide readers with educational information on nutrition-related topics. The articles convey data and information in a professional and scientific style. The feature articles are supported by validated references and are peer-reviewed. In addition to offering original content, the journal seeks to uphold the values of rigour and competence while promoting transfers of knowledge.
Scientific review process
Scientific reviews of the articles are carried out by peers as part of a fully confidential process. Final approval of the articles is provided by the publisher.
All copyrights are assigned to the publisher.
Article proposals
Freelance writers can submit topics for potential articles (including learning objectives and a draft outline) to the editorial committee. Proposals must be submitted by email to
Editorial board
The journal is published by the Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec (OPDQ).
The editorial committee is made up of the following members:
Mariève Dupont, P.Dt., M.Sc., Chair
Clinical Organization Advisor, Quebec Department of Health and Social Services (MSSS)
Marie-Noël Geoffrion, P.Dt., M.Sc., Editor in Chief
Senior Advisor, Scientific Affairs, OPDQ
Lise Tardif, Coordinator
Communications and Client Services Assistant, OPDQ
Annie Biron, P.Dt., M.Sc.
Clinical Nutritionist, Laurentian Integrated Health and Social Services Centre (CISSS des Laurentides)
Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier, P.Dt., Ph.D. (c)
Experimental Medicine
Line Duval, P.Dt.
Head of Food Services, Fleury Hospital and Laurendeau Residential Care Facility, Montreal North Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)
Doris Gagné, P.Dt., M.Sc.
Founder, Nutrition DG, Nutrition and Community Health Advisory Services
Hélène Gayraud, P.Dt., M.Sc.
Provincial Program Manager, Nutrition, School-Based Education, Dairy Farmers of Canada
Véronique Gingras, P.Dt., Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Geneviève Mailhot, P.Dt., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal (UdeM)
Valérie Turcot, P.Dt., Ph.D. Science and Health Care Professional, National Institute for Excellence in Health Care and Social Services (INESSS)
Annie Vallières, P.Dt., M.Sc.
Senior Advisor on Professional Practice Quality, Montreal North Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal)