Narrative Works Issues, Investigations, & Interventions

Editor(s): Elizabeth McKim, Bill Randall


Narrative Works is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal committed to exploring the complex role of narrative in countless aspects of human life. Just as narratives commonly concern many topics at once (emotions, relationships, beliefs, etc.), so “narrative” itself can be understood in numerous ways–in terms, for instance, of narrative theory, narrative inquiry, narrative analysis, or narrative practice. For such reasons, scholarship on narrative often reflects, and connects, a wide range of academic disciplines and professional fields. Those from which manuscripts for Narrative Works are invited include, but are not limited to, psychology, sociology, anthropology, gerontology, literary studies, gender studies, cultural studies, religious studies, social work, education, healthcare, ethics, theology, and the arts. Submissions may concern a range of contexts, topics, and themes; employ a variety of approaches and methodologies; and represent individual or collaborative work by theorists, researchers, or practitioners. Whatever the discipline or approach, however, the submissions should explore in some way the narrative complexity of human life, display a sufficient theoretical foundation, and reflect a good grasp of relevant narrative scholarship. They should be clearly, correctly, and engagingly written, and should be accessible to readers who are not specialists in the writer’s discipline.   


William Randall, EdD & Elizabeth McKim, PhD
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative
St. Thomas University
New Brunswick,
E3B 5G3
Phone: (506) 452-0448

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (14 issues)