Psychiatrie et violence

Managing editor(s): Jocelyn Aubut / Editor(s): Bruno Gravier, Normand Beaudet (Rédacteur-adjoint)



Psychiatrie et violence publishes articles on forensic psychiatry. Themes vary from dangerousness to philosophical or ethic concerns. This digital journal is aimed at francophone professionals of this area of research and favors exchanges, confrontations and inventories of academic work and research, etc. The digital format enables the development of appendix sections: reviews, pertinent information, news and bibliographic references. The result of a collaboration between l’Institut Philippe-Pinel of Montreal and the Service de Médecine et de Psychiatrie Pénitentiaires du Département de psychiatrie du CHUV (Lausanne, Suisse), Psychiatrie et violence was first published in 2000. Psychiatrie et violence works with many different scientific associations that play a part in this area of expertise.

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Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (7 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial board

Comité de rédaction:

Bruno Gravier (Rédacteur en chef), Normand Beaudet (Secrétaire de rédaction), Frédéric Millaud, Jean-Louis Senon, Ariel Eytan, Valérie Moulin.

Comité de lecture:

Jocelyn Aubut, Normand Beaudet, Gilles Côté, Jean-Luc Dubreucq, Jean-Marc Elchardus, Jacques Gasser, Bruno Gravier, Carol Jonas, Paul-André Lafleur, Fany Malingrey, Frédéric Millaud , Jean-Louis Senon , Monique Tardif, Jean-Louis Terra, Dr Haffani.