Revue de recherches en littératie médiatique multimodale
Managing editor(s): Monique Lebrun (Directrice), Nathalie Lacelle (Directrice), Jean-François Boutin (Directeur) / Editor(s): Monique Lebrun (Rédactrice en chef)
The LMM Research Journal is a place where the voices of all disciplines interested in multimodality meet: education, didactics, linguistics, semiotics, media education, communications, visual arts and media, literature, theater, cinema, music, social sciences, information sciences, and educational technologies.
Open access
The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.
Back issues (8 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
The publication of the LMM Research Journal is exclusively online to ensure open access to scientific literature. The article selection procedure rigorously follows the criteria of scientific publications: blind reading by two or three experts, exchanges between the person in charge of the number, the editors of the journal, as well as the authors and reviewers to arrive at the final version of the article. The LMM Research Journal publishes articles exclusively in French.
The R2LMM is the organ of the Interuniversity Multimodal Media Literacy Research Group ( and the Multimodal Media Literacy Research Chair (Université du Québec à Montréal) ( research-in-LITERACY-mediatic-modal)
Editorial board . onglet Comités
Direction committee:
Monique Lebrun
Nathalie Lacelle
Jean-François Boutin
Editor in chief:
Monique Lebrun
Scientific committee :
Hélène Bourdeloie (Université Paris 13)
Isabelle Carignan (Université de Sherbrooke)
Diane Dagenais (Université Simon Fraser)
Pierre Fastrez (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Marie-José Fourtanier (Université Toulouse-le-Mirail)
Brigitte Louichon (Université de Montpellier)
Martine Mottet (Université Laval)
Moniques Richard (UQAM)
Nicolas Rouvières (Université Stendhal Grenoble III)
Max Roy (UQAM)
Haydée de Silva (Université nationale autonome du Mexique)
Pascale Thériault (UQAC)
Christian Vandendorpe (Université d’Ottawa)