Reflets Revue d’intervention sociale et communautaire

Managing editor(s): Simon Lapierre



Reflets is produced conjointly by the University of Ottawa and Laurentian University.

Mission and objectives

Established in 1995, Reflets is a French language journal which focuses on:

Disseminating research and information related to policies and emerging practices in the fields of social, community and health intervention;

Encouraging interdisciplinary critical thinking on issues, practices and professional education, with an emphasis on the political, social and historical components impacting on francophone communities in minority contexts;

Establishing links between professionals involved in innovative and alternative practices in various sectors offering services to francophone persons and communities.

Guidelines for Authors


Journal's Site

Contact the journal

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  • Phone: (705) 675-1151 ext. 5067


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  • Phone: (613) 562-5800 ext. 6396

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  • Phone: (613) 562-5800 ext. 6396

Back issues (41 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

This content is only available in French.

Editorial board

Isabelle Côté, Université Laurentienne

Marie-Luce Garceau, Université Laurentienne

Simon Lapierre, Université d’Ottawa

Joscelyne Levesque, Université d’Ottawa

Dominique Mercure, Université Laurentienne

Nérée St-Amand, Université d’Ottawa

Jeannine Turpin, Université d’Ottawa