Volume 35, Number 1, 2019 Racialized Refuge Guest-edited by Christopher Kyriakides, Dina Taha, Carlo Handy Charles and Rodolfo D. Torres
Table of contents (13 articles)
Forensic Age Estimation in Swiss Asylum Procedures: Race in the production of age
The Borders of Tropicality
Queer Credibility in the Homonation-State: Interrogating the Affective Impacts of Credibility Assessments on Racialized Sexual Minority Refugee Claimants
Patrouille des frontières nationales et représentations racialisées: Analyse de commentaires en ligne sur les réfugiés syriens au Québec
A "Worthy” Refugee: Cash as a Diagnostic of "Xeno-Racism" and "Bio-Legitimacy"
A Double Punishment: The Context of Postsecondary Access for Racialized Precarious Status Migrant Students in Toronto, Canada
Book Reviews
Critical Reflections on Migration, "Race" and Multiculturalism: Australia in a Global Context by Marsha Boese and Vince Marotta (Eds.)
Deport. Deprive. Extradite: 21st Century State Extremism by Nisha Kapoor
Carceral Humanitarianism: Logics of Refugee Detention by Kelly Oliver
American Routes: Racial Palimpsests and the Transformation of Race by Angel Adams Parham
Voices from the "Jungle": Stories from the Calais Refugee Camp by the Calais Writers
Myanmar's Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim "Other" by Francis Ware
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