Revue multidisciplinaire sur l'emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail

Managing editor(s): Guy Bellemare / Editor(s): Guy Bellemare



The Revue multidisciplinaire sur l'emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail (REMEST) is an academic journal of anonymously peer-reviewed articles published in electronic form. Its aim is to disseminate research on labour, its transformation, its management, and its institutions. Within this relatively large area of concern, the journal emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach by publishing research related to industrial relations, occupational psychology, labour economics, sociology of work, labour law, and health at work. REMEST has an international circulation and is intended for a French-language readership, both academically and professionally.

Guidelines for Authors



Journal's Site

Contact the journal

  • Email:
  • Phone: (819) 595-3900 ext. 1783

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (14 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.