Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle
Managing editor(s): Marie-Claire Haelewyck (Directrice), Diane Morin (Directrice), Yves Lachapelle (Directeur)
The Francophone Journal of Intellectual Disability (FJID) was founded in 1990 by Hubert GASCON, Serban IONESCU and Wilfrid PILON. Hubert GASCON was the editor responsible for Volume 1 (1990) to Volume 25 (2014).
FJID is a peer-reviewed (double blind) journal published twice a year, whose mission is to disseminate research results in the field of intellectual disability and to encourage exchanges between French-speaking researchers and practitioners.
The first issue (Volume 1, Issue 1) was published in June 1990. In addition to the regular issues, several special issues were published in collaboration with the Institut québécois de la déficience intellectuelle (IQDI) and the Association Internationale de Recherche Scientifique en faveur des personnes Handicapées Mentales (AIRHM).
After the publication of Volume 16 (2005), last volume published in paper form, FJID has been converted to digital publishing. This decision aims to strengthen its mission by allowing a much wider dissemination in all regions of the Francophonie, regardless of their level of development. The Organisation internationale de la francophonie refroups 77 states and governments, including 20 observer states. As for the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, it has 739 higher education and research institutions in 94 countries. French is spoken by 200 million people, of whom 128 million as their first language. As a transfer review, FJID plays an important role in the dissemination of knowledge within the Francophonie by publishing research findings from a target audience of academics, parents' associations or self-representatives, practitioners and managers.
In 2007, FJID concluded an agreement with the Union Nationale des Associations de Parents, Personnes Handicapées Mentales et de leurs amis (UNAPEI, France) to make available all published material of the European Journal of Mental Handicap on its Web site. This journal was founded in 1992 by Abbas MOALLEM and ended its activities in 2004.
In 2012, an agreement was reached with Érudit, whose mission is to promote and disseminate research and creation ( This agreement contributes to better indexing of FJID in a large number of search tools and distribution in different formats: XML, PDF, XHTML.
Érudit (Canada), Francis (France), MLA (États-unis), Ebsco a to z (États-unis), Primo Central, Meta-lib, Isidore (France), Index savante (France), Synergies (Canada), Base (Allemagne), Journal TOCS (Grande-Bretagne), OAIster (États-unis), Google scholar (États-unis), Proquest, Repère, Summon, World cat, PubMed, ABCClio, Index Philosopher, FRANCIS (INIST), NINES, Repère, MLA International Bibliography, Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science) et Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science).
For any information, please contact us at:
Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle M. Yves Lachapelle Ph.D., FAAIDD Éditeur responsable Département de Psychoéducation UQTR, Pavillon Michel Sarrazin 3351 Boul Des Forges, Trois-Rivières, Quebec G9A 5H7Tel : (819) 376-5011, ext. 4009
Fax : (819) 377-5066
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Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:
Tel : (819) 376-5011, ext. 4009
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Access to cost-free articles
Journal website provides free access to the volumes published before the 2015. To access it, consult our categories on the navigation bar of the left under the following titles :
RFDI Regular Numbers (since 1990)
RFDI Special Issues
The RFDI website also makes available all articles published by the European Journal of Mental Disability (REHM) from 1992 to 2004.
REHM Regular Numbers (1992-2004)
Back issues (6 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Submission of manuscript
To submit an article to the French Journal of Intellectual Disability, we ask authors to respect the following guidelines:
1. The manuscripts are written in French; They are sent electronically to:
2. Manuscripts shall be typewritten double-spaced on letter or A4 paper with margins of 2.5 cm on each side and a font size of 12 characters. Excluding bibliographic references in the calculation, the text shall not exceed 45,000 characters (including characters and spaces) for up to 25 pages. The sheets are numbered continuously.
3. The title in French is a maximum length of 80 characters and must also be provided in English.
4. The manuscript is accompanied by a summary, in French and translated into English, of a maximum length of 120 words. The summary presents the subject, the problem, the method and the main results if the article concerns research or analysis of practice.
5. The title page of the manuscript includes:
- The name, function and institutional affiliation of each author
- The mailing and electronic address of the lead author
- The title of the text
A maximum of eight keywords allowing the indexing of the text.
To ensure anonymous reading, the name of the author (s) should appear on this first page only. The second page of the manuscript includes French and English summaries of the manuscript and, at the third, begins the manuscript.
6. Tables and figures are titled and should be read without any reference to the text. They are on separate sheets of the text and grouped at the end of the document. The place of their insertion is clearly indicated in the text. Each table or figure must be referenced in the text. Where applicable, legends should be located below the table or figure concerned, not in the text.
7. Articles submitted to the French Journal of Intellectual Disability must comply with the publication standards of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010). Although the standards should be read in the APA manual, FJID retains the recommendations of Provost, Alain, Leroux and Lussier (2016, p.92) regarding references in French. For your information, here are some examples of presentation standards. HOWEVER, these books must be consulted in order to know and respect all standards.
- The bibliographic references mentioned in the text include the name of the author followed by the year of publication. If the reference includes more than two authors, the name of the two authors is quoted whenever the reference appears in the text. When a reference to three, four or five authors, quote all authors the first time the reference appears, and then quote only the first author's name followed by "et al" and year. If there are more than six authors, even if this is the first time you cited them in the text, you should only mention the first author, followed by "et al" and the year of publication. In all cases mentioned above, different standards apply if you include the references in your text or if they are in brackets (see APA standards, 2010).
- The list of references is at the end of the text. The references are in alphabetical order of the name of the principal author. In addition, if there is more than one reference published in the same year and the same author, you must add a letter "a, b, c ..." after the year of publication. The order of the letters applies according to their order in the list of references. In case of peculiarity, other standards apply and are presented in the book of APA (2010).
The table presented below shows English symbols that must be modified in the manuscript
Examples of commonly used references include:
Periodical articles (without DOI)
- Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the periodical, volume (number), page of beginning-page of the end of the article.
Cadieux, A. (2003). Concept de soi et comportements en classe d’élèves vivant avec une déficience intellectuelle: Une étude longitudinale. Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 14(2), 121-137.
Lachapelle, Y., Wehmeyer, M. L., Haelewyck, M.-C., Courbois, Y., Keith, K. D., Schalock, R. L., … Walsh, P. (2005). The relationship between quality of life and self-determination: An international study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(10), 740-744.
- Online articles with DOI
Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Title of the periodical, volume (number), page of beginning-page of the end of the article. Doi: code
Tremblay, K. N., Côté, A., Lachance, L. et Richer, L. (2012). Utilisation des services en déficience intellectuelle et satisfaction des parents à leur égard. Revue de la déficience intellectuelle, 23, 56-63. doi : 10.7202/1012987ar
Rousseau, M., Dionne, C. et Paquet, A. (2012). Intervention précoce et instruments d’évaluation des jeunes enfants ayant un trouble du spectre autistique. Revue de la déficience intellectuelle, 22, 93-103. doi :10.7202/1012991ar
- Communications from a symposium, congress
Author, A. A. (Year, Month). Title of the communication. Communication presented at the X Congress of Name of the association, City, Country.
Gascon, H. (2005, mai). Stress parental et adaptation socio-émotionnelle des frères et soeurs d’enfants autistes. Communication prononcée dans le cadre du 23e Colloque du GROFRED (Groupe francophone d’études du développement psychologique de l’enfant jeune), Université de Nancy 2, France.
Pépin, G., Beaupré, P., Gascon, H., Tétreault, S. et Dionne, C. (2006, août). L’intervention précoce auprès des enfants présentant un retard global de développement : liens entre les données probantes et les pratiques au Québec. Communication prononcée dans le cadre du 10e Congrès de l’AIRHM, Lausanne, Suisse.
- Communications published in conference proceedings, congresses
Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the communication. In A. A. Director, B. B. Director, & C. C. Director (ed.), Title of proceedings of the congress (page of beginning-page of end of communication). Place of publication: Publisher.
David, J. P., George, S., Godinet, H., & Villiot-Leclercq, E. (2007). Scénariser une situation d’apprentissage collectif instrumentée : Réalités, méthodes et modèles, quelques pistes. Dans R. Hotte, J.-P. Pernin et H. Godinet (dir.), Actes du colloque Scénario 2007. Scénariser le parcours de l’apprenant : Une activité de modélisation (p. 47-55). Montréal, Canada : Centre de recherche LICEF.
- Books
Author, A. A, Author, B. B. and Author, C. C. (Year). Title: Subtitle (Edition, if applicable). Place of publication: Publisher.
Hénault, I. (2005). Le syndrome d’Asperger et la sexualité : De la puberté à l’âge adulte. Montréal, Canada : la Chenelière Éducation.
Rogé, B. (2003). Autisme, comprendre et agir. Paris, France : Dunod.
- Book chapters or collective
Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A. A. Director, B. B. Director and C. C. Director (dir.), Title: Subtitle (page of beginning-page of end of chapter). Place of publication: Publisher.
Dionne, C., Langevin, J., Paour, J.-L. et Rocque, S. (1999). Le retard du développement intellectuel. Dans E. Habimana, L. S. Éthier, D. Petot et M. Tousignant (dir.), Psychopathologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. Approche intégrative (p. 317-347). Montréal, Canada : Gaëtan Morin.
Farran, D. C. (2000). Another decade of intervention for children who are low income or disabled. Dans J. P. Shonkoff et S. J. Meisels (dir.), Handbook of early intervention (2e éd., p. 510-548). New York, NY : Cambridge University Press.
- Theses and dissertations
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of thesis. (Doctoral Thesis or Unpublished Master's Thesis). Name of the University, Location of the University if it is not in the name of the institution.
Cappe, E. (2009). Qualité de vie et processus d’adaptation des parents d’un enfant ayant un trouble autistique ou un syndrome d’Asperger. (Thèse de doctorat inédite). Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5), Paris, France.
Cousson-Gélie, F. (1997). L’évolution différentielle de la maladie et de la qualité de vie de patientes atteints d’un cancer du sein : Rôle de certains facteurs psychologiques, biologiques et sociaux. (Thèse de doctorat inédite). Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux, France.
- Government publications and research report
Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of document (if report, report number if available). Place of publication: Body responsible for publication.
Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux. (2003). Un geste porteur d’avenir : Des services aux personnes présentant un trouble envahissant du développement, à leurs familles et à leurs proches. Québec, Canada : La Direction des communications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux.
Brault-Labbé, A. (2007). Questionnaire d’évaluation de la qualité de vie et du soutien à ofrir : Validation préliminaire. St-Jérôme, Canada : Centre du Florès.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title: Subtitle (Report xxx or Publication xxx if available). Found at URL
Office des personnes handicapées du Québec. (2007). La participation sociale des personnes handicapées au Québec : Les activités éducatives pour la petite enfance : Proposition d’une politique gouvernementale pour la participation sociale des personnes handicapées. Repéré à
- No sexist, racist, hateful or detrimental language for persons with intellectual disability and their reltives is accepted.
- The lead author will receive an electronic reprint of his article
- On receipt of the manuscript, an acknowledgment of receipt is sent to the first author. Subsequently and after acceptance by the editorial staff, the manuscript is evaluated externally. Comments and suggestions for changes are, where appropriate, anonymously communicated by the editor to the lead author. When a favorable notice of publication is sent, the principal author sends an electronic version of the text either by e-mail and accepts that the text becomes the property of the French Journal of Intellectual Disability; It shall not be published elsewhere without its authorization. However, the author is free to republish (self-archiving) the postprint version produced by the journal provided he or she indicates the reference to the journal and offers a link to the original publication (on Érudit).
Anti-plagiarism policy
FJID rejects all forms of plagiarism and considers an act of plagiarism as:
- Copying, in whole or in part, the work of someone else and presenting it as one’s own;
- Copying, in whole or in part, one’s own work that has already been published elsewhere, without making reference to the original publication (self-plagiarism).
Prior to the publication of an article, authors confirm with the journal that they are definitely the owners of the rights and that they are not infringing on the rights of anyone else with regards to either the text or the graphs, illustrations and pictures.
FJID will conduct various types of research activities, with the help of diverse tools (among them software and data bases, but also the indexes of print journals), in order to ensure that the article contains no instances of either plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
If plagiarism is detected, FJID will take the following measures:
Before publication:
- If plagiarism is detected before the publication of the manuscript by either a member of the editing committee or by an external referee, the author will be contacted immediately. Depending on the extent of the plagiarism, the author must either re-write the text or correctly cite her or his sources and include precise references to the quoted text. If the plagiarism is substantial (20% of the text or more), the article will be rejected automatically.
After publication:
- If plagiarism is detected after publication, the article will be withdrawn from FJID.
Digital preservation policy
FJID is permanently archived on Portico.
References in this section:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation (6e éd.). Washington, DC : Auteur.
- Provost, M. A., Alain, M., Leroux, Y. et Lussier, Y. (2016). Normes de présentation d’un travail de recherche (5e éd.). Trois-Rivières, Canada : Les éditions SMG.
Editorial board
Executive committee
Yves LACHAPELLE, Ph.D., FAAIDD, Département de psychoéducation de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
Marie-Claire HAELEWYCK, Ph.D, Sciences Psycho-Pédagogiques, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education de l’Université de Mons (Belgique).
Diane MORIN, Ph.D., Département de psychologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal et titulaire de la Chaire de Déficience intellectuelle et troubles du comportement.
Scientific committee
Université du Québec à Montréal (Québec, Canada)
Université du Québec à Hull (Québec, Canada)
Université de Genève (Suisse)
Michèle DÉRY
Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada)
Jean-Jacques DETRAUX
Université de Liège (Belgique)
Jean-Pierre FRYNS
Université de Leuven (Belgique)
Université du Québec à Rimouski/Campus de Lévis (Lévis, Québec, Canada)
Haute École Pédagogique Vaud (Lausanne, Suisse)
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada)
Université de Fribourg (Suisse)
Université de MONS-Hainut (Belgique)
Université du Québec à Montréal (Québec, Canada)
Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
Jean-Louis PAOUR
Université d’Aix-en-Provence (France)
Jean-Robert POULIN
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Québec, Canada)
Christel PRADO
Union nationale des parents et des amis des personnes handicapées mentales (UNAPEI; Paris, France)
Université de Liège (Belgique)
Sarto ROY
Université du Québec à Rimouski (Québec, Canada)
Association Internationale de Recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes Handicapées Mentales
Université de Rouen (France)