Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations

Managing editor(s): Anthony M. Gould (Directeur), Yves Hallée (Directeur adjoint)



Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations (RI/IR) is a bilingual quarterly published since 1945 by the Industrial Relations Department of Université Laval (Québec, Canada). It is the world’s first scientific journal on industrial relations and Canada’s only such publication.


RI/IR is a bilingual publication whose mission it is to be the foremost site in Canada for the publication of high calibre research papers from both established and new researchers in the industrial relations field. At the same time, the Journal serves as an international forum for contributions and research debates for both Canadian and international researchers.

The Journal’s mission includes the promotion of a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach as applied to the study of work and employment, the major fields involved in industrial relations, which traditionally includes human resource management, public policies and labour relations. As a scientific journal, RI/IR contributes to the furthering of knowledge in the industrial relations field both in Canada and abroad, and also contributes to the development of theoretical and methodological approaches applied in this field.

RI/IR is an essential resource for academics, students, human resources and labour relations managers, union officials, policymakers and observers.

The Journal is distributed in more than twenty countries (paper) and all around the world (online). It is officially recognized by the Canadian Industrial Relations Association.


  • ABI/Inform Global (Proquest)
  • Business Source Premier (Ebsco)
  • Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA)
  • CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals Index = Index des périodiques canadiens)
  • CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • Current Contents
  • Érudit
  • Human Resources Abstracts
  • Index to Canadian Legal Periodical Literature
  • International Abstracts of Human Resources
  • ISI Journal Citation Reports
  • ISI Web of Science
  • Journal TOCs
  • Labordoc (OIT)
  • PAIS International
  • Repère
  • Social Science Database (UNESCO)
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
  • Synergies Canada
  • Ulrich’s Web
  • INIST (le catalogue des revues électroniques en accès libre de l’Institut de l’information scientifique et technique du CNRS)
  • Google (général)
  • Google Scholar
  • Persée


Journal's Site

Contact the journal


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:

Print version subscription:

Back issues (320 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics

Editorial Policy

  • Papers

The editorial team at RI/IR is interested in receiving submissions on all aspects of work and employment in either English, French or Spanish. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers roughly 7,000 to 8,000 words in length including abstract and bibliography and to ensure that their papers are ready to be reviewed by their peers. We particularly encourage recent PhD graduates to submit articles based on their doctoral research. Prospective authors must ensure that their submissions are in conformity with RI/IR style guidelines.

The manuscripts submitted to the journal are anonymously evaluated by three specialist referees, which ensures that published articles meet the very highest standards of quality.

  • Book Reviews

RI/IR offers to its readers a book reviews section in which interesting books written by industrial relations specialists are critically examined. Suggestions of books to review are always welcome from our readers as are offers to review current works. Contact our Associate Editor for English Book Reviews Travis Fast or our Associate Editor for French Book Reviews Yves Hallée.

  • Articles published in the journal are solely the responsibility of the authors.

Guidelines for Authors


Aims and Scope

Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relationsis a bilingual publication whose mission is to be the foremost site in Canada for the publication of high calibre research papers from both established and new researchers in the industrial relations field.


Texts may be written in English, French or Spanish, and should be between 7000 and 8000 words in length. This word limit includes the main text, footnotes, references, tables and charts and excludes only the summary and abstract, details of which are given below. The manuscript should be submitted as an attached document by e-mail and must be purged of any information which could enable an author, co-authors or their institutions to be identified. All manuscripts are reviewed by anonymous referees and there is a one-year limit for re-submission of manuscripts following review. The final decision on publication is made by the Editor.

Occasionally the journal publishes shorter commentaries or research notes, and, in exceptional cases, longer articles based on particularly substantial research. Authors who wish to submit texts falling into these exceptional categories should in the first instance contact the editor.


Submission of a paper implies that it is not already protected by copyright, is not currently under consideration by another journal, and that it is the product only of the authors(s) cited on the title page. We require authors to assign the copyright of their accepted manuscripts to RI/IR.


References should be identified in the text by last name of author, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate. Example: (Smith, 2004: 642). References should include full first names of authors whenever possible, rather than initials; volume and issue numbers for article entries must also be provided. References mentioned in the text must appear in an alphabetically ordered list at the end of the article in the following format:

Gunderson, Morley, Allen Ponak and Daphne Gottlieb Taras. 2001. Union-Management Relations in Canada. 4th ed. Don Mills, Ont.: Addison-Wesley Longman.

Rose, Joseph B. 2004. “Public Sector Bargaining: From Retrenchment to Consolidation.” Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 59 (2), 271–294.

Thompson, Mark. 2001. “Labour Relations in the BC Public Service: Blowing in the Political Wind.” Public-Sector Labour Relations in an Era of Restraint and Restructuring. G. Swimmer, ed. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 155–177.

Welz, Christian and Mike Eisner. 2006. Collective Dispute Resolution in an Enlarged Union. EIRO. <> (accessed December 4, 2006).


With the author-date system, footnotes should be restricted and numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript. Footnotes are included in the article’s 8000 word limit.

Tables and charts

Their number should be limited, and they must be carefully and clearly presented. They should also be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals throughout the manuscript, and each must have a title. Their exact location in the text should be indicated. Tables and charts are included in the article’s 8000 word limit.

Mathematical and econometric equations

They should be kept to a minimum and restricted to their results.


The Journal does not publish any appendix. Appendices should be available to readers upon request to the author.


Authors must provide four or five keywords of the article. These should not be words used in the article title.

Abstract, summary and translation

Authors must furnish an abstract of 125 words at the beginning of the article and a summary of 300 words, giving a concise statement of the intention, results and the conclusions of the article. Please provide the French and Spanish translation of the summary of 300 words, the title and the keywords. The journal takes charge of the translation if necessary.

Autobiographical note

Authors should provide their name, title, institutional affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail in a document separate from the manuscript.


For further information, please contact Mrs. Laurence Jarry.



Editorial board

Executive Committee


Editorial Board


  • Allen Ponak, University of Calgary and University of Saskatchewan



  • Phil B. Beaumont, University of Glasgow
  • Jacques Bélanger, Université Laval
  • Alexander J.S. Colvin, Cornell University
  • Ann Frost, University of Western Ontario
  • Bernard Galambaud, ESCP-EAP
  • Rafael Gomez, University of Toronto
  • Michel Grant, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Richard J. Long, University of Saskatchewan
  • Sylvie Montreuil, Université Laval
  • Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal
  • David Peetz, Griffith University
  • Joseph B. Rose, McMaster University
  • Hedva Sarfati, Bureau international du travail
  • Christian Papinot, Université de Poitiers
  • Sara Slinn, York University
  • Daphne Taras, University of Saskatchewan
  • Mark E. Thompson, University of British Columbia
  • Gilles Trudeau, Université de Montréal
  • Thierry Wils, Université du Québec en Outaouais
  • Isik U. Zeytinoglu, McMaster University