Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education

Editor(s): Thierry Karsenti


The International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education (IJTHE) / Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire (RITPU) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, launched in 2004 as a result of a collective and innovative initiative taken on by the universities of Quebec (Canada). The Journal serves as a forum to facilitate the international exchange of research results on the pedagogical dimensions of the use and applications of technology in higher education. The Journal presents different teaching approaches with technology and offers a wide range of papers on academic and interdisciplinary research and practice, directed toward a wide audience. Texts are published in French or English, according to the author's language preference.


Journal's website

Editorial Correspondence

International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education
Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire
c/o Thierry Karsenti, University of Montreal
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville,
Faculté des sciences de l’éducation
Université de Montréal
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7

Telephone : (514) 343-2457
Fax : (514) 343-7660

Email  :

Legal deposit: National Library of Quebec and National Library of Canada
ISSN 1708-7570

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (25 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics

The Journal publishes three issues per year, regular or special. Are accepted for publication articles that are relevant to its aims and scope, and that:

  • satisfy the principles, rules, and requirements governing rigorous scholarly communication in the domain;

  • respect the ethics policy of the Journal (see below);

  • conform with its manuscript presentation guidelines;

  • when applicable, reproduce only third-party works or substantial parts thereof with the copyright owners permission.

The types of articles accepted for publication are:

  • editorials (mainly in special issues);

  • practical papers presenting experiences with technology, or evaluation of online courses, with critical discussion : advantages, disadvantages, limitations, etc. (with hyperlinks, screen captures, etc.: 1,500 - 2,500 words);

  • critical perspectives providing a particular vision or direction on technology in higher education (substantiated with references to the literature) (3,000 - 6,000 words);

  • full research papers with empirical data (3,000 - 6,000 words);

  • brief literature reviews or current research notes (500 - 1,200 words).

The numbers quoted above are indications only. They convey the wish of the Editorial board to encourage shorter texts, more suitable to online reading and the intended audience.

All manuscripts considered admissible by the Editor-in-chief, according to the editorial policy, will be subject to double-blind peer review by two or three referees who have expertise in the given field and who are not from the same institution as the author(s). However, the final acceptance decision is made by the Editor-in-chief.

There is no charge for submission or publication in the Journal.

As the Journal subscribes to the worldwide initiatives towards open access to scientific literature, it is distributed in open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The articles, in PDF format, are published in English or French, according to the author’s language preference. The abstracts are available in both English and French.

Digital preservation policy

The Journal is permanently archived on Portico.

Ethics policy

Authors submitting articles must abide by the following four rules.

1.   Authorship credit. The authors byline includes all individuals who (1) have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the research and (2) have approved the final draft of the article, and only those individuals.

2.   Data integrity. Data are used as collected. Any further modification (correction, selection, omission, truncation, normalization, etc.) to data or results is described and justified in the article.

3.   No plagiarism. Any element (text, table, graphical object) included in the article and taken from or strongly inspired by someone else's work is duly signalled, with full acknowledgment of the source.

4.   No redundant publication. The article is in major part made of elements not included in any text currently submitted to or previoulsy published in a journal or other peer-reviewed publication venue. However, this rule doesn't apply to documents (manuscripts, reports, theses, dissertations, etc.) made available on personal websites and institutional or subject-based repositories; posting on such sites doesn't constitute publication.

The Journal may check for ethical shortcomings with any appropriate tool or method, for instance using an appropriate software or consulting with individuals involved in the situation. Reviewers and readers may also bring suspicions to the attention of the Journal.

Any situation of suspected ethical shortcoming is examined by a committee formed of the editor-in-chief and two other members of the Board of Directors.

The committee analyzes the situation following the principles of natural justice, including the right for suspected individuals to explain their viewpoint. If the committee concludes that the Journal's ethics policy has been violated, it may, according to the gravity of the violation, require corrections or impose appropriate sanctions, up to the withdrawal of the article and a ban on further publication in the Journal.

Author's guidelines

General rules

The author must first make sure that the content and format of his or her manuscript conform to the editorial policy. Therefore, the author who submits a text and, if applicable, is designated as the primary correspondent, acting in the name of all authors, must:

  • confirm that the manuscript has neither been published nor submitted elsewhere to be considered for publication;

  • if applicable, confirm he or she holds the rights to reproduce any third-party work or substantial part thereof included in the manuscript;

  • confirm that he or she complies with the ethics policy of the Journal;

  • classify the manuscript according to the types of texts published in the Journal.

Furthermore, the author must confirm, as stated in the Publishing Agreement, that he or she agrees that the final (i.e. accepted and revised) version of the text will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows anyone to freely copy, distribute or display the text, as long as they mention its author and provide, whenever feasible, a hyperlink to the original publication in the Journal.

It is important to note that by agreeing to this mode of publication, the author keeps the entire copyright on his or her text, including the so-called “commercial rights” provided by the Copyright Act. Most notably, he or she keeps the right to distribute it by any means, for instance by uploading it on a repository, or enter into an agreement with an editor for that purpose. It must however be understood that the Creative Commons license, once applied to a document, cannot be revoked.

Review and acceptance process

All manuscripts considered admissible by the Editor-in-chief, according to the editorial policy, will be subject to double-blind peer review by two or three referees who have expertise in the given field and who are not from the same institution as the author(s). Following the assessment of the manuscript, each reviewer will offer one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept as is

  • Accept with only minor modifications

  • Accept with major modifications

  • Reject

The results of the critical peer review will be forwarded to the Editor-in-chief who will consult with members of the Editorial Board, if required, make a decision regarding the acceptance of the manuscript (conditional or not) and then inform the author(s).

Following this, if indicated, the author(s) will revise the text in light of the recommended corrections and resubmit the manuscript to the Editor-in-chief within the specified timeframe. Upon receiving the resubmitted text, the Editor-in-chief will consult with members of the Editorial Board to make the final decision: accept, reject or recommend further modifications.

In any case, for the final version, the author will update the references in the text, most notably by verifying the availability and URL addresses of online documents.

For special issues, that have a particular theme and whereupon an issue director may coordinate its preparation (inviting authors to submit a paper, giving indications regarding the selected theme, etc.), the same rules of the peer review process are applied and the Editor-in-Chief remains in charge of the decisions concerning the acceptance of manuscripts.

For those papers that have been accepted for publication, the Journal preserves the right to make any editorial corrections deemed necessary to improve the writing style, the readability and the conciseness of the text. The PDF version of the articles ready for print will be sent to the authors for a last verification.

In short, there are about ten main steps in the publishing workflow, for a total duration of 4-6 months between the submission of a manuscript and the online availability of the article.

General guidelines for manuscript presentation

Manuscripts must be sent to the Editor-in-chief in electronic form, in .docx (preferably), .doc, or .rtf format. The Publishing Agreement, filled by the primary correspondent, must also be sent to the Editor-in-chief.

The manuscript must conform to the reference style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010).

  • The text must be double-spaced with a Times New Roman font, 12 points.

  • The author designated as the primary correspondent must present on the title page of the electronic document, his/her name, mailing address, telephone numbers as well as his/her institutional affiliation, followed by the submission date of the manuscript. In the case of a manuscript with more than one author, this information must be provided for each contributor. Upon publication of the paper, the authors’ names will be listed in the order used on the title page.

  • The title of the manuscript should be concise and clear.

  • The abstract, which must be submitted in French and English, should be presented below the title on a new page. A maximum of 100 words in length, the abstract must state the purpose of the paper and specify the objectives, the method used, the results obtained and the conclusions drawn. The abstract must be followed by a list of at most 10 key words or terms for referencing.

  • Tables and figures can be directly inserted in the text, or presented on separate pages and compiled at the end of the manuscript; in that case, the placement of all tables and figures must be clearly indicated throughout the text (for example, “Note to the Journal: Insert Table 1 here”).

  • Inline citations and references (in a Reference section at the end) must comply with the APA style, as described in the Publication Manual (6th edition, 2010).

The author may consider using the template (in Word format or in RTF format) available on this site, which contains guidelines and use a style sheet implementing the APA style.

To ensure objectivity in the review process, two distinct files should be submitted, one of which must be devoid of any information allowing for the identification of the author, the title page should thus not contain any identifying information about the author, and the name of the author(s) in citations and references is replaced by “Author(s)”, as in (Authors, 2012). The above mentioned template includes thus two versions of the title page.

Submitting an article

Before submitting your article, please ensure you have read and understood the editorial policy and the manuscript style guidelines. You must also make sure you have filled the Publishing Agreement, which confirms that you agree to the conditions of publication, including to make your text made available for distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

When you have done this, send both of your electronic files to the following address:

Editorial board

Board of Directors


Thierry Karsenti, editor-in-chief: Université de Montréal
Michel Lepage, associate editor
Marc Couture, associate editor

Other members of the Board

Gabriel Dumouchel : Université de Montréal
Daniel Oliva : École de technologie supérieure
Michel Sénécal : Télé-université
Vivek Venkatesh : Université Concordia

International Scientific Committee

Berrouk, Saïd : Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique, ALGÉRIE
Bissonnette, Steve : TÉLUQ – Université du Québec, CANADA
Brassard, Caroline : TÉLUQ – Université du Québec, CANADA
Collin, Simon : Université du Québec à Montréal, CANADA
Coulibaly, Modibo : Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, NIGER
Depover, Christian : Université de Mons-Hainaut, BELGIQUE
Desbiens, Jean-François : Université de Sherbrooke, CANADA
David, Robert : Université de Montréal, CANADA
Fonkoua, Pierre : Université de Yaoundé I, CAMEROUN
France, Etzer : Université Quisqueya, HAÏTI
Gervais, Colette : Université de Montréal, CANADA
Giroux, Patrick : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, CANADA
Grégoire, Pascal : Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, CANADA
Jaillet, Alain : Université Louis Pasteur, FRANCE
Julien, Charles-Antoine : Université McGill, CANADA
Karsenti, Thierry : Université de Montréal, CANADA
Kaszap, Margot : Université Laval, CANADA
Komis, Vassilis : Université de Patras, GRÈCE
Kyelem, Mathias : Université de Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO
Lepage, Michel : Université de Montréal, CANADA
Lefebvre, Sonia : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, CANADA
Martineau, Stéphane : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, CANADA
Mercier, Julien : Université du Québec à Montréal, CANADA
Mottet, Martine : Université Laval, CANADA
Peraya, Daniel : Université de Genève, SUISSE
Petrovici, Constantin : Université Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, ROUMANIE
Pellerin, Glorya : Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, CANADA
Poellhuber, Bruno : Université de Montréal, CANADA
Raby, Carole : Université du Québec à Montréal, CANADA
Richard, Mario : TÉLUQ – Université du Québec, CANADA
Roy, Normand : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, CANADA
Tardif, Maurice : Université de Montréal, CANADA
Touré, Kathryn : Rocare, SÉNÉGAL
Trin, Van Minh : Université de Huê, VIETNAM
Zohrabian, Garine : Institut Libanais des Formateurs, LIBAN