Revue du Nouvel-Ontario

Editor(s): Julie Boissonneault (Co-rédactrice en chef), Donald Dennie (Co-rédacteur en chef)



Founded by the Institut franco-ontarien in 1978, the Revue du Nouvel-Ontario is an interdisciplinary French-language journal about French Ontario. It publishes research results in the form of articles and reports on research that have been submitted for external review. It also publishes reviews of literature dealing with Franco-Ontarian subjects. The journal is thus intended as a forum for researchers interested in all dimensions of Franco-Ontario, including literature, teaching, sociolinguistics, history, sociology, economics, and political science.


Guidelines for Authors


Journal's Site

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  • Phone: (705) 675-1151


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  • Email:

  • Phone: (705) 675-1151

Back issues (10 issues)

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