Recherches sociographiques

Managing editor(s): Sylvie Lacombe (Directrice) / Editor(s): Sylvie Lacombe (Rédactrice en chef)



A multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of Québécois and French-Canadian society, Recherches sociographiques publishes original works, critical notes and summaries. Its mission is to examine the spatial, historical, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of life in Quebec and French-speaking Canada. The journal sees itself as a crossroads, a sort of public meeting place at which to analyze, compare and interpret in the light of diverse scientific traditions.


Bulletin signalétique 521. Sociologie

Point de repère

Historical Abstracts

Language and Language Behavior Abstracts

Public Affairs Information Service


Sociological Abstracts

America : History and Life

Historical Abstracts

International Bibliography of Periodical Litterature

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts


Institut de l’informatique scientifique et technique


Journal's Site

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Phone: (418) 656-3544


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:

Phone: (418) 656-3544

Print version subscription:

Back issues (161 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial policy and ethics

How to Submit an Article

Recherches sociographiques is published three times a year. The texts submitted to the editorial board and external reviewers must comply with the journal’s mandate—RS is a multidisciplinary journal that only publishes original articles about empirical research on Quebec and French Canada—and meet the requirements of a high-level research journal with a national and international standing. Before submitting an article, please consult our Style guide below and send the article to:

Editorial policy

All articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review by two external reviewers (see our Article review policy). The editorial decision lies with the editors-in-chief but is made conjointly with the editors of the thematic issue

The critical notes are subjected to a double-blind review by one reviewer and to the review by the editor.

Reviews are not subject to peer evaluation. Once published, the author(s) of the reviewed article will have the right to reply. The author of the review is then permitted to reply to the response, and both replies appear in the same journal issue. 

Anti-plagiarism policy

All authors are required to comply with the copyright rules. Recherches sociographiques condemns any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. The journal considers as an act of plagiarism to publish “in one’s own name the results of works and discoveries of third parties” and as an act of self-plagiarism “the voluntary omission of reference to one’s previous work, including the publication of an article already published in one language in another language.” (Definitions taken from; our translation). For information on how to cite the work of others, see our Style guide.

Any submitted manuscript that contains a form of plagiarism as defined herein will be rejected outright if the mistake is detected before the publication or peer review. If it is detected after publication, the article will be identified as such on each page of the PDF until adequate corrections have been made. Recherches sociographiques also reserves the right to refrain from accepting further submissions from the plagiarizing author.

Article review policy

Upon receipt and after the usual verifications regarding plagiarism, each submitted article is reviewed by two reviewers. The reviews are performed in a double-blind manner: the reviewers do not know the name of the author of the text they are reviewing, and the author does not know the name of the reviewers of her/his text. The reviewers fill out a review form and make one of the following judgments: 1) acceptance as is; 2) acceptance with minor revisions; 3) acceptance with major modifications; 4) should be sent to another more appropriate journal; 5) should be published as a research note; 6) rejection. If checking box 2, 3 or 5, reviewers are invited to add relevant comments for the improvement of the text. In cases where the two judgments are conflicting, a third external review may be requested. When making its decision, the editorial board systematically sends the authors the anonymous reports of the reviewers. The final decision of the journal is irrevocable.

Terms and conditions

Exclusivity. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the submission of a text to Recherches sociographiques (RS) constitutes a confirmation that there was no prior publication and that no simultaneous submissions have been made to other publication outlets.

Copyright. The author affirms that the article is original and that she/he is the author and the owner of the rights. The author retains her/his copyright. The author confers to Recherches sociographiques an exclusive first-time license and a non-exclusive license to reproduce and distribute the full article or extracts from it. RS consents to the use of the article in all work written or edited by the author, provided it is appropriately referenced as having been first published in RS.

Twelve months after the publication of the article, the author may self-archive her/his text in the formatted version according to the visual standards of Recherches sociographiques on her/his personal website or on an institutional website insofar as

- she/he requests the prior approval from the editorial board of the journal;

- she/he clearly indicates the references to the initial publication.


Digital preservation policy

The perennial archiving of Recherches sociographiques is carried out by PORTICO.


Style guide

— The Recherches sociographiques journal accepts only exclusive and previously unpublished documents (articles, research papers and critical and other reviews), which means the following:

  1. The work has never been published and is not under review for another journal;
  2. You should wait for our answer before submitting the text elsewhere;
  3. The copyright will belong to Recherches sociographiques.

— Articles are published in French. However, they may be submitted in English for assessment. If accepted, the author is responsible for getting the work translated into French and the journal handles the editing.

— Document pages must be numbered in the bottom right corner, and be sent in Word format by email to

— Write each author’s name, address, telephone number and email address on a separate page. Write the article or review title in all caps at the top of page 1.

— Articles should be between 20 and 35 pages long, double spaced, with at most 60,000 characters, not including spaces. Reviews should be between 2 and 6 pages, and with 700 to 800 characters.

— Follow traditional gender use or use both the masculine and feminine genders as explained in Pour un genre à part entière : guide pour la rédaction de textes non sexistes (Québec, Publications du Québec, 1988).

— Tables and graphs must appear on separate, individual pages, in numerical order, with titles. Sources must be clearly indicated. We will only publish those deemed essential to understanding the text. We use the International System of Units (IS).

— For initialisms and acronyms, write out the full form the first time. For example: Université Laval (UL), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Afterwards, just the initials or acronym (without periods) can be used.

— Please pay particular attention to accuracy in quotations and bibliographic references. Quotations in other languages should be translated into French and preceded by the word “traduction” (French for “translation”) enclosed in square brackets.

— An electronically published document should include the specific Internet source and the date it was consulted (e.g. [], consulté le 3 janvier 2015). For articles published in electronic journals, you must list the Internet address as well as the typical information (author, title, etc.). See example in box below.  

— Give the collection title in parentheses after the number of pages.

Bourdon, Sylvain et Mircea Vultur (dir.) 

Les jeunes et le travail, Québec, Les Éditions de l’IQRC et Les Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 129-155. (Coll. Regards sur la jeunesse du monde.)

—Footnotes should be as brief as possible, limited in number and double spaced. Please refer to the examples for the bibliography section.

Caldwell, Gary et Simon Langlois

1986 « Les cégeps vingt ans après », Recherches sociographiques, XXVII, 3 : 355-364.

Gauthier, Anne

1988 « État-mari, État-papa, les politiques sociales et le travail domestique », dans : Louise Vandelac (dir.), Du travail et de l’amour, Montréal, St-Martin, p. 257311.

For documents provided by an organization (ministerial, parliamentary, independent, etc.), use the organization’s initials or acronym (no periods) for the author.  

Conseil économique du Canada (CÉC)

1970 Les diverses formes de la croissance, Ottawa, Imprimeur de la Reine (« Exposé annuel », 7.).

Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE)

1981 Statistiques de l’enseignement dans les pays de l’O.C.D.E., Paris, Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.

Villeneuve, Nathalie

2003 « Myles, unilingue anglophone – Une pelure de banane surprise pour la candidate défusionniste », Cité Nouvelles, Montréal, 5 octobre. [], 7 octobre 2003.

— In footnotes and running text, refer only to the name(s) of the cited author(s), to the publication date only if the author has more than one title in the bibliography (a, b, c…, if same year) and to the page number(s) where necessary. For example: (Moreux, 1982, p. 17) or (Caldwell et Langlois, 1986a, p. 395-399). IMPORTANT: Write names in small capital letters.

— For articles or reviews, provide a 100-word summary. Biographical notes should take no more than 8 lines (current institution, a few career benchmarks, latest publication).

— Reviews are not subject to peer evaluation. Once published, the author(s) of the reviewed article will have the right to reply. The author of the review is then permitted to reply to the response, and both replies appear in the same journal issue.

Editorial board


Recherches sociographiques has two committees whose members serve three-year, renewable mandates.

The editorial board committee includes: Sébastien Arcand (HEC Montréal); Jacques Beauchemin (UQAM); Micheline Cambron (Université de Montréal); Anne Caumartin (Collège militaire royal de St-Jean); Catherine Foisy (UQAM); Andrée Fortin (Université Laval); Marcel Fournier (Université de Montréal); Laurie Guimond (UQAM); Pierre Hamel (Université de Montréal); Bruno Jean (UQAR); Simon Langlois (Université Laval); Richard Marcoux (Université Laval); Daniel Mercure (Université Laval); É.-Martin Meunier (Université d'Ottawa); Dominique Morin (Université Laval); Claire Poitras (INRS Urbanisation, culture et société).

The international committee includes: Leslie Choquette (Assomption College); Luca Cogdignola (Università di Genova); Maria-Teresa Gutierrez (Université Nationale autonome); Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Université de Sarrebrück); Carmen Mata Barreiro (Université autonome de Madrid); Miho Matsunuma (Gunma University); Florian Michel (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne); Leigh Oakes (Queen Mary University of London); Jacques Palard (Université de Bordeaux); Geneviève Zubrzycki (Université du Michigan).