Recherches sémiotiques Semiotic Inquiry

Editor(s): Martin Lefebvre, Bertrand Gervais (Rédacteur adjoint), Will Straw (Rédacteur adjoint), Daniel Vaillancourt (Rédacteur adjoint)



Recherches sémiotiques / Semiotic Inquiry takes the field of semiotics in the broadest sense, to include both the theoretical and empirical study of signs, sign systems and processes, signaling and communicative behaviour, and their foundations : philosophical, biological, social, etc. Its aim is to encourage and disseminate the advancement of knowledge in these areas toward a better understanding of the processes of signification and communication. The journal publishes exclusively original and substantial articles, in English or in French, on topics related to the above domains of research. The journal will include book reviews on publications dealing with semiotics.

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