Studies in Canadian Literature Études en littérature canadienne

Managing editor(s): Kathryn Taglia / Editor(s): Cynthia Sugars


Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC) is a biannual, bilingual journal devoted to the study of Canadian literature in English and French, and published at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. SCL/ÉLC is peer-reviewed, and welcomes submissions on all aspects of Canadian literature.

The editor of SCL/ÉLC is Cynthia Sugars ( The managing editor is Kathryn Taglia( The journal has published continuously since 1975, when it was founded by Barrie Davies, Desmond Pacey, Roger Ploude, and Michael Taylor.

SCL/ÉLC is indexed in the Canadian Periodical Index, the MLA Index, and the American Humanities Index, and is available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs Database and in microform from Micromedia Inc. It is a member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journals and the Association of Canadian Studies.

Publication of the journal is made possible by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the University of New Brunswick.


Kathryn Taglia
Managing Editor
University of New Brunswick
University of New Brunswick 11 Garland Ct P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton NB Canada E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-3501
Fax: (506) 453-5069


A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.

Individual digital subscription: individuals wanting to subscribe to the digital version of the journal are invited to communicate directly with the journal:

Phone: (506) 453-3501

Back issues (84 issues)


Editorial policy and ethics

The editors welcome submissions of scholarly articles on any aspect of Canadian literature as well as interviews with contemporary Canadian authors in whom there is an established academic interest. Submissions may be in English or French; articles should be between 6000 and 8000 words (including Notes and Works Cited), and interviews between 4500 and 7000 words.

Submissions are blind-vetted; please ensure that there is no information identifying the author anywhere on the manuscript (including Notes, Acknowledgements, etc.).

References for English-language articles must conform to the MLA Handbook, 8th edition. Articles in French should conform to Le guide du rédacteur (du Bureau de la traduction, 2 éd., Ottawa, 1996).Prospective contributors are encouraged to consult the SCL/ÉLC Style Guide for further details of style and formatting requirements in English or French.

Instruction pour les auteurs

Please go to for information on submitting to Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en litérature canadienne.

Editorial board

Editorial Board:

Editors: Cynthia Sugars (University of Ottawa)
Associate Editors: John Clement Ball (University of New Brunswick) and Chantal Richard (Université du Nouveau-Brunswick)
Managing Editor: Kathryn Taglia
Editorial Assistants:  Dallas Harrison, Réjean Ouellette, Michael Pharand, 
Martin Ainsley
Administrative Assistant: Emily Skov-Nielsen
Design and Layout: Ian LeTourneau

Advisory Board:

Jennifer Andrews, University of New Brunswick
Guy Beauregard, National Taiwan University
Jennifer Blair, University of Ottawa
Nicholas Bradley, University of Victoria
Alison Calder, University of Manitoba
Daniel Coleman, McMaster University
David Creelman, University of New Brunswick
Eva Darias-Beautell, Universidad de La Laguna
Adam Dickinson, Brock University
Alan Filewod, University of Guelph
Danielle Fuller, University of Birmingham
Thomas Gerry, Laurentian University
Helen Gilbert, Royal Holloway, University of London
Terry Goldie, York University
Sherrill Grace, University of British Columbia
Faye Hammill, University of Glasgow
Douglas Ivison, Lakehead University
Smaro Kamboureli, University of Toronto
Catherine Khordoc, Carleton University
Susan Knutson, Université Sainte-Anne
Sophie McCall, Simon Fraser University
Kathy Mezei, Simon Fraser University
Jean Morency, Université de Moncton
Linda Morra, Bishop’s University
Laura Moss, University of British Columbia
Mariam Pirbhai, Wilfred Laurier University
Norman Ravvin, Concordia University
Deanna Reder, Simon Fraser University
Christian Riegel, University of Regina
Gillian Roberts, University of Nottingham
Wendy Roy, University of Saskatchewan
Chantal Savoie, Université du Québec à Montréal
Heather Snell, University of Winnipeg
Nora Foster Stovel, University of Alberta
Anthony Tremblay, St. Thomas University
Kathleen Venema, University of Winnipeg
Linda Warley, University of Waterloo