Séquences : la revue de cinéma

Managing editor(s): Yves Beauregard / Editor(s): Élie Castiel


This senior movie journal takes the pulse of the cinematic world here in Quebec. It also takes a look at Canadian productions and opens its pages to films and artists from around the world. The journal follows closely the work of both young filmmakers and renowned directors, and publishes numerous reviews, interviews and diverse studies.


-Journal's Site: http://www.revuesequences.org/

-Courriel: revue.sequences@hst.ulaval.ca

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revuesequences/?fref=ts

Digital Subscription

Email : erudit-abonnements@umontreal.ca

Phone : (514) 343-6111 ext. 5500


Érudit is not responsible for individual subscriptions management. Please contact the journal for an individual subscription.

Print Subscription


Back issues (305 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.


Editorial board


Yves Beauregard


Élie Castiel


Antoine Zeind

Corrections & Review

Richard Gervais