Theatre Research in Canada Recherches théâtrales au Canada

Managing editor(s): Cassandra Silver / Editor(s): Kim Solga


Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada (TRIC/RTAC) is Canada’s only peer-reviewed journal with an explicit focus on Canadian and québécois theatre in both official languages. As such, it provides a necessary forum for the dissemination of scholarly research that uses the full range of critical approaches applied to the study of theatre as a multidisciplinary art, in the context of the cultures of Canada and Quebec.

TRIC/RTAC remains committed to its long history of publishing original studies of actors, playwrights, directors, designers, theatre companies and buildings, theatrical genres, festivals, and other large-scale performances, as well as theoretically-grounded studies of individual dramatic works and performance texts. It likewise continues to play an active role in broadening the parameters of theatre scholarship in Canada, through engagement with multi- and interdisciplinary research; studies of specific cultural groups and intercultural exchange; investigations of new and emergent technologies in Canadian design and performance; and explorations of theatricality and performativity beyond the traditional contexts of theatre and drama.

Drawing inspiration from the recent emergence of performance studies as an important cognate discipline, the journal encourages submissions that address such topics as the performance of everyday life; the performativity of race, gender, class, and other identity categories; and the performance of nation or community through public acts or spectacles (to name but a few).

TRIC/RTAC remains dedicated to supporting research that explores First Nations theatre and performance culture, as well as the history of other historically disadvantaged social groups.

TRIC/RTAC is owned and published by the University of Toronto through the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies (formerly the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama). Since its founding, it has also been the official publication of the Canadian Association for Theatre Research/Association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale (CATR/ACRT) and all association members receive a subscription to TRIC/RTAC.


Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches théâtrales au Canada
c/o Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
University of Toronto
214 College Street, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON
M5T 2Z9 Canada


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Back issues (72 issues)


Editorial policy and ethics

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Editorial board


Kim Solga, Western University

Associate French Editor

Louise Ladouceur, Campus St-Jean, Université d’Alberta

Book Review Editor

Michelle MacArthur, University of Toronto

Editorial Board

Roberta Barker, Dalhousie University
Sarah Bay-Cheng, Bowdoin College
Susan Bennett, University of Calgary
Tracy C. Davis, Northwestern University
Peter Dickinson, Simon Fraser University
Louise Forsyth, University of Saskatchewan
Michael Greyeyes, York University
Helen Gilbert, Royal Holloway, University of London
Jen Harvie, Queen Mary University of London
Erin Hurley, McGill University
Ric Knowles, University of Guelph
Patrick Leroux, Concordia University
Michael McKinnie, Queen Mary University of London
Glen Nichols, Mount Allison University
Joanne Tompkins, The University of Queensland
Kailin Wright, St. Francis Xavier University
Harvey Young, Northwestern University