The Trumpeter Journal of Ecosophy

Managing editor(s): Tihamer Richard Kover, Bartlomiej Lenart / Editor(s): Nathan Kowalsky


The Trumpeter is an environmental journal dedicated to the development of an ecosophy, or wisdom, born of ecological understanding and insight. As such, it serves the deep ecology movement’s commitment to philosophically explore and analyze environmental concerns in light of ecological developments at every relevant level: metaphysics, science, history, politics. Gaining a deeper understanding involves a comprehensive set of criteria that includes analytical rigour, spiritual insight, ethical integrity, and aesthetic appreciation.

With respect to scholarly articles, The Trumpeter encourages high-quality academic submissions for peer review within the scope of the environmental humanities, including environmental philosophy, environmental ethics, and interdisciplinary environmental studies. The editors especially encourage submissions concerning or characterised by deep ecology, eco-phenomenology, eco-psychology, ecofeminism, primitivism, or other forms of ‘radical’ environmental theory.

In addition to scholarly articles, The Trumpeter also publishes poetry, narratives, cartoons, and book reviews.



Post: c/o St. Joseph's College, University of Alberta, 11325 89 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2J5, CANADA

Open access

The journal is open access and free to all without subscription via our website:

Back issues (3 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics


We encourage past contributors to continue submitting pieces in the genres that have characterized The Trumpeter since its inception, and we encourage both past and new contributors to submit work that will allow us to represent a wide range of approaches, perspectives, insights, and methodologies. We also continue to encourage submissions of narrative articles, poetry, and art, and we remain on the lookout for genuinely creative and innovative pieces.

Generally, we do not publish material that has been previously published, however, if the editor believes an article, which has received limited previous exposure, is important to the Deep Ecology movement, we will make exceptions.

The Trumpeter only publishes work written in English.

Peer Review Process

Scholarly articles are subject to double-blind peer review. In the main, each article receives two reviews. Poetry, narrative pieces, and book reviews are vetted by those sections' editors.

Copyright Notice

Authors who submit and have articles published in The Trumpeter license The Trumpeter to publish and redistribute the work under the CC (Creative Commons) BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Copies of this journal or articles in this journal may be reprinted free of charge and without further permission, provided the author and original source are acknowledged. However redistribution for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the copyright holder. Except for the conditions stated above, the authors reserve all rights over the work contained herein. If you have any questions, please contact The Trumpeter's editor-in-chief.

Submission Policy and Criteria

Submissions are received via the journal's website. Authors are required to register and create an account, and to flag their account as an "author," before a new submission can be uploaded. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

All submitted journal articles must include an abstract. Narratives, reviews, or poems do not need to include an abstract. Journal article submissions should not exceed 10,000 words, unless prior approval has been granted by the editor. Book and film reviews should not exceed 3,000 words; please contact the editor regarding longer critical review essays.


The Trumpeter uses a slightly modified Turabian/Chicago style to govern academic references. Authors may decide to use either footnotes or author-date parenthetical references (but not both). If author-date parenthetical references are used, a works-cited list is required. If notes are used for references, a bibliography may be provided but is not necessary.

All notes, whether for references or other remarks, should be footnotes rather than endnotes. Please refer to a recent issue of The Trumpeter for samples of correct citation and referencing. Authors should ensure that all references and bibliographical materials are correct prior to submission.

Editorial board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nathan Kowalsky, Associate Professor, Philosophy, St. Joseph's College, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Managing Editor: Dr. T. R. Kover, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Managing Editor: Dr. Bartlomiej Lenart, Research and Learning Librarian (Education), Libraries and Cultural Resources, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Reviews Editor: Dr. Wendell Kisner, Associate Professor, Integrated Studies & Philosophy, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada

Poetry Editor: Kelly Shepherd, English and Communications, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Narratives Editor: Beth Carruthers, University of British Columbia & Emily Carr University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada