Vie des Arts

Editor(s): Jade Boivin


Vie des arts is a  magazine about current art, firstly in the province of Quebec but also everywhere else in the world.  Exhibit reviews, interviews with artists, reports, themed features, essays: far from any dogmatism, in a wide range of schools of thought, the magazine suggests avenues and perspectives to the readers in order for them to create their own theorerical and aesthetic approach.

This magazine has stopped publishing on Érudit.


L'abonnement peut se faire en ligne sur le site internet suivant:

Il est aussi possible de contacter la SODEP:

SODEP (Vie des Arts), Service d'abonnement, tél.: 514-397-8670 |  

Back issues (220 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
