[VertigO] La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement

Editor(s): Éric Duchemin (Co-rédacteur en chef), Louise Vandelac (Co-rédactrice en chef)



[VertigO] La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement, an open-access online scientific publication devoted to environmental sciences, was founded in April 2000 and is distributed throughout the French-speaking world. Its mission is to promote research and academic opinions concerning contemporary environmental issues. [VertigO] publishes research results, critical analysis, reviews and articles about current developments.

Articles draw from a wide range of disciplines, including social sciences, nature sciences, anthropology, law, philosophy, health sciences and political sciences. The three yearly issues of the journal are generally theme-based. In addition, special issues containing conference proceedings or similar subjects are published at varying intervals. [VertigO] is edited by the University du Québec à Montréal (Canada) and Éditions en environnement VertigO. The journal has numerous partnerships in North America, Europe, South America and Africa. [VertigO] La revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement is a member of Revues.org.

[VertigO] website : http://vertigo.revues.org


Journal's Site


Contact the journal

  • Email: vertigoweb@sympatico.ca
  • Phone: (514) 937-5619  ext. 3945

Open access

The current issues and the journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (34 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.