Voix et images du pays

Managing editor(s): Renald Bérubé (Directeur)

Title followed by Voix et Images


Voix et Images is a learned journal about the literature of Quebec, from its inception up to the present day. Founded in 1967, it becomes Voix et Images du pays in 1975 (vol. 9, no. 1). Each issue contains a series of texts on a particular author or issue, as well as studies of the writers' choice and columns on what is happening in the literary field. Aimed primarily at specialists of Québécois literature, Voix et Images also addresses anyone interested in better understanding texts produced in Quebec.



Open access

The journal’s archives are offered in open access.

Back issues (9 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

The first issue’s (Vol. 1, no 1) digital version was based on the 1970 printed edition, the 1967 printed edition being unavailable.