Approved Nursing Programs
The College of Nurses of Ontario is the regulatory body for nursing in the province. It is not a school.
The College sets the requirements for entry-to-practice into the profession and articulates practice standards for its members. Approved schools of nursing also offer programs, courses and educational opportunities for individuals seeking to upgrade their education and become familiar with nursing in Ontario. For detailed information about these programs and courses, applicants with questions are encouraged to contact the approved school of nursing directly.
Practical Nursing (RPN) Programs
To register as a RPN in Ontario, applicants must graduate from a College of Applied Arts and Technology that grants graduates with a diploma in practical nursing, and from a program approved by Council. For a complete list of colleges in Ontario that offer approved practical nursing programs, click on the link above.
Baccalaureate Nursing (RN) Programs
To register as a RN in Ontario, applicants must graduate from a university program that grants graduates with a baccalaureate degree in nursing, and from a program approved by Council. For a complete list of universities and collaborative programs in Ontario that offer approved baccalaureate nursing programs, click on the link above.
Nurse Practitioner (NP) Programs
To register as a NP in Ontario, nurses must graduate from an Ontario University NP program that grants the graduate a Certificate in one of the following Specialties: Adult, Paediatric, and Primary Health Care. For a complete list of approved NP programs, click on the link above.