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QA Program

The purpose of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program is to assure the public that nurses demonstrate their commitment to continuing competence and continuing quality improvement. The College does this by assessing the knowledge, skill and judgment of members.


Nurses in every setting demonstrate their commitment to continually improving their nursing practice by engaging in practice reflection, and by setting and achieving learning goals.

Every nurse registered in the General or Extended Class is required, under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, to participate in QA.

The College consulted with nurses across the province to develop its QA Program, which is designed to:

  • support nurses in practising according to the College’s standards of practice
  • help nurses develop the practice areas in which they have identified learning needs
  • increase the public’s confidence in the nursing profession.

MyQA allows you to complete your QA requirements online in a safe, secure and easy-to-use site.

Nurses in the General Class are required to develop two learning goals each year based on your learning needs. You must select a College practice standard or guideline relating to each learning goal. Connecting your learning goals to the College’s practice standards will help to guide your learning outcomes.

If you are a Nurse Practitioner, you are required to develop a third learning goal, based on the change in NP scope of practice related to controlled substances. For example, prescribing controlled substances or understanding the unique risks associated with substance misuse or diversion. 

Ready to begin? You will be redirected to the Maintain Your Membership page where you can log in to your existing account.  

Start myQA

Page last reviewed January 23, 2018