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Annual Membership Renewal

Once a year, each member of the College must renew their membership to continue practising as a nurse in Ontario. Renewing your membership involves answering questions about your employment status and areas of practice and education, and paying an annual fee. 

Members who fail to complete the Annual Membership Renewal (AMR) form and pay the renewal fee risk having their membership suspended and ultimately, their membership will expire. 

Why does the College require nurses to renew their membership every year?

By renewing your membership, you help protect the public in two important ways:

  1. You help ensure that everyone practising as a nurse in Ontario is registered with the College, and their information is accurate and up-to-date. This helps identify individuals who attempt to practise (or who are practising) nursing illegally.
  2. When you renew, you provide the College with information about nursing practice. We analyze this information and share it with government, media and other stakeholders who require a realistic picture of the size, distribution and areas of practice of the province’s nurse population. 

When will AMR launch?

AMR opened on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017.

How will I know when AMR is open?

We sent you an email with a link to AMR. We also announced the opening in the News section of this website, The Standard, Quality Practice and on our Facebook page. (Consider following our Facebook page to receive updates about renewal and other important information.) 

Is Wednesday, Jan. 31 really the last day to renew without a late fee?

Yes. To accommodate AMR’s later-than-usual launch, we moved the late fee date. It’s exactly one month later than usual, As always, we encourage nurses to renew early.

Will the delay affect my employment?

We understand some employers require proof that you have paid your fee and completed the application. We explained the timelines in this year’s process on www.cno.org, in The Standard, on our Facebook page and in Quality Practice. 

What is this year’s fee?

The 2018 renewal fee for members in the General and Extended classes is $200. (With HST, the total is $226.) If you do not renew by Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018, a late fee of $100 will also apply. (With HST, the total is $113.) 

How can I pay my fee?

You can pay your fee online. The College accepts credit card, debit, Interac Online or a prepaid credit or debit card. As of June 1, 2017, the College no longer accepts payment by cheque or money order for any service, including membership renewal. 

How do I log on to AMR?

Go to Maintain Your Membership and log in with your email address and password. 

In the past, you used your user name. This has changed. This year, you will use your email to log in, which is a simpler and more secure process. Unless you have changed it, your password is the same one you used last year. 

For more information about how the College uses your email address and why it is required, visit www.cno.org/emailfaq

Which browser should I use to renew?

If you are using an older version of a Web browser, you may have difficulty accessing Maintain Your Membership. Check here to make sure your browser will work properly.

How do I move between pages in AMR?

Always use the Previous or Next buttons when using the AMR application. Do not click Back or Forward in your browser.

What do I do if my page seems stuck?

Please be patient, as many nurses are renewing at the same time. If you see a Please Wait message, do not refresh or reload your page.

Why is it taking so long to get to the next page?

During busy times, it may take longer for pages to load. Please be patient, and do not refresh or reload your page. All browsers except Safari should display a progress bar, to show you how the information is processing. 

I need to stop and complete my application later. Can I do this?

You can pause the renewal application at any time. Just scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Exit and Finish Later. Also, remember to log out of Maintain Your Membership by clicking the logout button in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Whoa, why are you asking for so much info?

It may seem like we’re collecting a lot of information, but it’s required under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. The renewal information also informs the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s policies and programs.

How long will it take me to renew?

Most nurses only need about 12 minutes to complete renewal, but it can take up to 30 minutes. Before starting, we suggest assembling your work experience info and other practice details, so you can move quickly and smoothly through the process. 

How do I renew in French?

Log in to Maintain Your Membership using your email and password. Then, click on Renew Your Membership Now, and simply choose French in the top right-hand corner. Please note, once you begin in one language you cannot switch to another. 

How do I know if I’ve paid?

Once you submit payment, wait until the transaction goes through before closing your browser. At peak times, there may be a short delay in processing. 

Where do I find the payment receipt?

After renewing and paying the fee, you’ll find the View/Print Receipt button at the bottom of the page. If you have already logged out of AMR, log back in to Maintain My Membership, click Renew Your Membership Now and choose View/Print Receipt. 

How do I know if I am logged out?

There is a Logout button in the top right-hand corner of every AMR page. Click on it to make sure you’re logged out of Maintain Your Membership. This is especially important if you share a computer at home or work. 

How do I check my registration status after I’ve renewed my membership?

Once you have completed the renewal form and paid the fees, you can log in to Maintain Your Membership, click on renewal and check your current status. 

What if I do not complete my online renewal form?

If you do not complete the form and pay the fees on or before Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018, you will receive a Notice of Intent to Suspend. This year, notices will be mailed no later than Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018. Once you receive the Notice of Intent to Suspend, you have 30 days to complete your renewal and pay the required fees. 

If you do not pay the fees and complete the form within 30 days, the College will suspend your registration on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. At this point, you will have another 30 days to provide all outstanding fees and information. 

After those 30 days, your membership with the College will expire on Thursday, April 19, 2018. To resume practising in Ontario, you will need to meet the requirements for reinstatement and pay additional fees. 

If your membership status with the College is suspended, revoked or expired, you are prohibited from practising nursing in Ontario. As well, you cannot use the titles “Registered Nurse,” “Registered Practical Nurse,” “Nurse Practitioner” or “nurse.” 

Practising in Ontario while your membership is suspended, revoked or expired is a serious offence. If you have been suspended, or your membership has been revoked or has expired, speak to your employer(s) and stop practising immediately.

Page last reviewed December 14, 2017